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Aerial Photography and Remote Sensing (GEOG2112)


Instructor: Dr. M. M. Yagoub



Questions and Answers (Q/A)


Textbook:  Thomas Eugene Avery and Graydon Lennis Berlin, Fundamentals of Remote Sensing and Airphoto Interpretation, Fifth Edition, Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, 1992.

Section A


Correct answers are shown in italic and color


Q1.The basic equation of electromagnetic is             C = & f       where

      A- C,  &,  f    stands for speed of light, altitude, and force

      B- C,  &,  f    stands for speed of light, wave length, and frequency

      C- C,  &,  f    stands for current, speed of light, and force


Q2.  The main effects of the atmosphere on electromagnetic radiation are:

        A- Cloud and rain      B- Reflection and refraction    

        C- Scattering and absorption


Q3. The following percentage is recommended as forward overlap (end lap)

       A- 5-15%                                 B- 20-40%                                  C- 50-60%


Q4. The following are problems encounter in aerial photographs

       A- Color and shading       B- Tilt and relief displacement    

       C-Camera and height


Q5.  Mosaic can be defined as:

        A- Overlapped maps   B- Overlapped papers              C- Overlapped photos


Q6.  A hardcopy photograph can be converted to digital copy by:

          A- Copier                                  B- Printer                          C- Scanner


Q7.  Orthophoto can be defined as:

        A- Overlapped maps      B- corrected photos              C- Overlapped photos


Q8. To obtain 3D from aerial photographs, we must have:

         A- A lens              B- Stereo-pair               C- Aero-plane


Q9. Relief displacement which is encountered in aerial photographs is due to:

       A- Color of objects            B- Wind direction                   C- Height of objects

Q10. The followings are used as indicators in photo interpretation:

      A- Shape, size, color     B- length, width, diameter      C- Number of Bands



Section B


Define remote sensing?


Remote sensing is a technology of obtaining information about the environment from non contact sensor system (eye, camera, sensors). This definition considered photography as sub-field of remote sensing.


Define Photogrammetry?

Photogrammetry is the science or art of obtaining reliable measurements (distance, angle, area, elevation) from aerial photography (aero-plane, aerial camera)


Draw a figure showing the main regions of electromagnetic spectrum?

      Refer to the text book: page 2- Figure 1-2


The electromagnetic spectrums that are commonly used in remote sensing are:

-       Visible to human eye (0.4-0.7 um) colors – RGB

-       Infrared (0.7-1000 um) – reflected/emitted thermal radiation (temperature of objects)

-       Microwave (0.1 mm - 100 cm)- Active system (RADAR-back scattering, SLAR)

Atmosphere effects are caused primarily by scattering and absorption.




Draw a figure showing the main components of an aerial camera

      Refer to the text book: page 26- Figure 2-13


List the main information that must be included in an aerial photo, illustrate by figures?

-      Fiduicial marks (< >)


-      Focal length (f)

-      Date and time of the day

-      Photo scale





List the main measurements that can be derived from an aerial photo? (Refer to the text book: page 58-67, 80-86)

-      Horizontal distance (ruler, scale of photo)

-       Angle or direction (Protractor)










-      Area (using dotted grid or digital planimeter)

-      Elevation (3D- Stereoscope – stereo-pair photos)


List Five (5) remote sensing web sites? Check course outline in the internet



Define photo interpretation? 

Photo interpretation is a process of extraction of natural (e.g. river) and artificial (e.g. buildings) features from an aerial photo.




What is the difference between visual interpretation and digital image classification?


-       Visual interpretation depends on human eye and it is usually depends on the skill of the operator, experience, and knowledge of the area (mainly used in interpreting aerial photos). Photo interpretation can be supported by  magnifying lens and stereoscope (pocket, mirror)

-       Digital image classification is based on using computers instead of human eye ((mainly used in classification of remote sensing imagery)



List the main indicators used in photo interpretation?

Refer to the text book: page 51-57


Features on a photo can be delineated based on the following characteristics:

– Tone (B/W -gray shade, color and brightness)

– Size (depend on scale e.g. size of house or hostel)

– Shape (geometrical arrangement, road/house; non-geometric e.g. lake, river)

– Texture (smoothness or roughness: water, grass, trees)

– Pattern (spatial arrangement, network of streets, farms, orchards not forest)

– Shadow (height of object, high buildings)

– Site (geographic location, features on rivers)




You are required to cover Abu Dhabi by aerial photographs, list all the  necessary steps (Hint: flight plan details), illustrate by figures?

        Refer to page 59 and Chapter 5: page 95-107


-       Flight plan must calculate the total area to be covered and its direction (north-south, east-west)

-       Select scale of photography, focal length of the camera to be used, and flying height

-       Determine forward and side over lap required. Usually 50-60% is recommended as forward overlap (End-lap) between successive photographs in the same flight-line and 5-15% is recommended as a side lap between adjacent flight lines

-       calculate ground distance for each flight line, number of photos, and other parameters





Define a mosaic? Refer to page 93

An aerial mosaic is an assemblage of two or more individual over lapping photographs to form a single continuous picture of an area.


Define photomap?

Names and other information such as title, north arrow, legend, and scale can be added to the mosaic to produce a photomap i.e. photo + map



List the main problems encounter in aerial photograph?

-Tilt: due to wind

- Relief displacement : due to change in elevation of objects  


Define Orthophoto?   Refer to page 90

An orthophoto is a corrected photo in which the problems (tilt, relief displacement) are removed 



Define stereo-pair photos?

Stereo-pair photos are two consecutive photos taken on the same flight line.


Discuss briefly how to use aerial photography to study desertification creep   in the UAE?



Determine the scale of a photo if its focal length is 210 mm and flying height is 6000 m above mean sea level? ?   Refer to page 73



Photo scale = F/H  = 210/6000x1000 = 1:28571


Determine the scale of a photo if its focal length is 210 mm, flying height is 6000 m above mean sea level, and average ground elevation is 300 m?

Refer to page 73



Photo scale = F/ (H-AH) where AH = average elevation

                    = 210/ (6000-300)x1000= 210/5700x1000 =

                    = 1:27143



* Try other numbers