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My name is Cole Samuel Lee Fields and I am due to come into the world on October 2, 2000.  This is a special day for my uncle Charlie because it is his birthday.  I am also being named after my cousin Sammy who passed away before I am born.
My nice auntie Connie made this page especially for me, so that way family and friends can view up dates about me after I am born.
My mommy is a pretty special mommy, she is going to teach me how to do sign langauge so her and I will have a special thing between us.  See my mommy was born with some medical problems, she has Taby's Syndrom and Fetal Alchahol Syndrom.  It has been really hard on her growing up but she has done real well and I am very proud of her.  She just graduated in June of this year. WAY TO GO MOMMY!!!!!!!!....
Thank you for visiting my web site, if you would like graphics or a site of your own you can email my auntie at
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