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My name is Mitchell and I am the baby brother that everyone was so much anticipating.  I am named after my baby cousin Brandon Andrew who died in 1999, and after my baby god brother Samuel that also died in 1999.
My god mommy made this page for me because I am special. She is very happy that I have come along, because now she has a baby to hold and spoil.  Its been really hard on her this last year with out her baby in her arms. She gets to spoil me and my brother and sister and then send us home again to our mommy and daddy.
Well its September and I was born on August 12, 2000 at 4:12 A.M and weighed 7 pounds and 15 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long.
Thank you for visiting my web site, if you would like graphics or a site of your own you can email my auntie at
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