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Indian's of the Great Lakes

Starting Positions

Algonquin(A) Kioskokwi Kio A
Klondyke Klo
Mattawa Mta
Shawanaga Sha F
Simcoe Sim
Wahwashkesh Wah A
Erie(E) Cass Cas
Essex Ess F
Imalay Ima A
Lenawee Len
Toledo Tol A
Huron(H) Appin App
Cheptow Che A
Nile Nil A
Sanilac San F
Sarnia Sar
Iroquois(I) Chenago Cho
Ithaca Ith
Niagra Nia
Oswego Osw A
Rochester Roc A
Tuscarora Tus F
Wyalusing Wya
Kaskasia(K) Kankakee Kan A
Kegonsa Keg
Sussex Sus F
Waukeska Wau A
Winamac Win
Mississauga(U) Buckhorn Buc
Klemburg Kle A
Nottawasaga Not
Oshawa Osh F
Selkirk Sel
Toronto Tor A
Ojibwa(J) Atikoken Ati
Croix Cro A
Eau Galle EGa
Nemadji Nem
Savanna Sav A
Whyte Why F
Otawatomi(T) Aetna Aet F
Alcona Alc F
Arenac Are
Boyee Boy A
North Channel NCh
Oshkosh Osh
Ottawa(W) Jasper Jas
Madawaska Mad
Manotick Man A
Matawin Mat A
Windmill Wdl
Vars Var F

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