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Splatterhouse Characters/Monsters

Splatterhouse Main|Characters/Monsters|Cheats

Downloaded the Splatterhouse ROM July 12th, 2000. Will be playing the game taking pictures of all enemies and the like. So far I am on the 5th level, so I will keep pushing on..

Rick (hero)
This is the hero of the game. You control him through the haunted mansion.

Zombies all throughout the game, one hit to kill. Easy enough.

Guys chained to a wall in the back, they spit toxic waste at you.

Flying bats. One hit to kill.

Dead Guy
Dead guys impaled on a sword in the background. Do nothing but moan.

Normal zombie. One hit kill.

Zombie A
Just like the regular zombies only these guys take two hits to kill.

Hung Zombie
Drop down out of holes in the roof blocking your path.

Sea Creature
Emerge from the water to attack you. One hit kills.

Spike Balls
Balls with spikes that float in the water. Jump over them.

Spit acid at you while walking by. Cannot attack them.

Everything you see here flies at you. The chair, the knives, the glasses on the shelf and the thing hanging from the roof.

Normal zombie. No real threat.

Hounds that chase after you. Must duck to hit them and they take two hits.

Boss of the 3rd level. He isn't to hard considering you pick up a Shotgun packed with 8 slugs before the fight. Use that ammo wisely and jump kick him a few times and he's done with.

These zombies are a little different from the rest in that they leap at you. Still don't pose a threat though.

Jump out of blood piles and latch onto your leg. Must duck to hit them unless you hit them while flying at you.

A giant blob that slides across the ground. Few hits to kill. Or you can simply jump over it.

While walking through a room full of mirrors, an image of yourself busts out and you must fight it. You fight three of them in all.

A bunch of heads fly around an inverted cross inside a church, you must beat off some of the heads then destroy the cross.

While walking through this library chairs fly at you. Easy to kill with the pole you pick up before entering.

Hands that jump at you from pits in the ground.

After two hits, their head detaches and flies at you, the head needs an additional hit to be destroyed.

Flies overhead and drops skulls on you. If you hit them before they drop the head on you, they'll die and won't cause any damage.

Two hits to kill. Can be brought back to life from Pumpkinhead

Flies overhead and commands the zombies. Once he is defeated you can kill the zombies.

Upon entering a room, you see the lovely Jennifer resting on a couch, surrounded by zombies. The zombies scatter and Jennifer awakens, only to be transformed into a monster. Defeat it and she will be saved, but it's a tough battle.

I believe there are 8 levels to this game. I've gotten close to beating level 5, and that is where I am currently. Once I get to or beat another level I'll save all the pictures of enemies and upload them here.

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