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Held For A Moment In Our Arms~But Forever In Our Hearts

Grandma holding Michael

Michael with cousin Christine

For our first Christmas after Michael, Christine gave us a Pooh Memory Book. She wrote a letter to Michael on the first few pages of the book, one of our most treasured tributes to our son. Here's part of what Christine wrote:

"I really expected this Christmas to bring a long line of us patiently waiting our turn to hold you. Instead, I am thinking of exactly how to tell you I miss you. ........ We will think of you often - for in your few short hours you touched many hearts. Love, Christine"

Michael with Aunt Pansy

Michael with Aunt Jane

Jane has been my sounding board, best friend and prayer partner for most of my life. When we so desperately wanted another baby, after Megan, she was the one who continually prayed - and reminded me to have hope when my own failed. When we learned that Michael was on the way, I know that her heart was nearly as thrilled as my own, which also means her's was wounded deeply too, when we learned that we wouldn't get to keep him.

For Michael's first birthday, Jane asked me what she could do for me. I told her that I longed to hear people tell me "their" Michael story, what they thought or felt when they heard the news, the memories of their time with him and how they've thought of him since he returned to Heaven. She gave me an angel book, in which she wrote HER "Michael story". Her entry ended with this poem:


I held him once,
Only once
Then I had to let him go.
I breathed his scent
Only once,
A scent I'll always know.
I soothed his hand
Only once,
A tiny hand in mine.
I stroked his hair
Only once,
Silken, soft and fine.
I kissed his cheek
Only once,
Then blinked my tears away.
He had to leave us ~
Only once.

written Sept. 3, 1998
by Michael's Aunt Janie
This poem is the property of Dianna Werner.
Please do not remove without permission.