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DragonBall Z

The Orion Saga

The Lost Saiyon

By Paladin

Chapter one.

New Beginning's

Lord Obveron sat in his massive throne. It's ornate texture and Swede leather

exterior hidden by the darkness he kept around him. His whole room was kept in the same

eclipse. His eye's were the only source of light penetrating the shadows. They glowed a petulant yellow with a hint of green. He stared out at the blackness without any indication of movement. Even the rise and fall of his chest was beyond notice.

His mind was full. Full of thoughts entrapped by recent events. He'd know Sinder was powerful. After all, it had been Sinder to bring down the might of Viridian. But never had he imagined the sort of power Sinder had eminated three day's ago.

That was another thing that held Obveron with nervousness. Sinder hadn't been seen since. He just vanished into thin air. Obveron had tried to track him down through the dimensional loop. But there was no trail to follow. At least not one Obveron could detect. Sinder has surprised him on many occasion's, could it be possible that all this time Sinder had been holding back? If so, why? Or was he really dead? Obveron had noticed another mana driven power close to Sinder at the end. Almost as strong but not quite.

Obveron crushed the right arm of his throne in his palm. He hated not knowing. He felt like he was being watched. Obveron knew that Sinder had been using him since day one, but he had also been the user as well. If it weren't for Sinder, it would have been far more difficult to achieve the grand fortress and technology that spun itself all about him.


It had taken no time at all to get the complex underway, thanks to Tervin's work to hollow out the mountain. Half the place was already up and running, and soon they would be able to start the real task. Creating an army worthy of invading Avalon.

Obveron's eye's narrowed. It had been far to long since he last seen his homeland. His skill in mana was getting weaker and weaker. Soon he wouldn't even be able to draw it at all. And this plane had an especially weak Mana stream. It was just to far away from the dimensional Nexus.

Obveron almost jumped when the com on the side of his door beeped. Obveron suppressed an urge to rip it out of the wall and cast it's atom's across the great expanse. "L...Lord Obveron....?" The com chirped. The voice was filled with nervousness. "Yes?" Obveron asked, his voice smooth and calm. "What is it?"

"D... Do... Doctor Baret requests your presence at section 24A."

* * * * *

Baret leaned over a large tube covered with panels and wires. It's size could easily fit a good sized man. His eye's drifted from one component to the other, trying to decide what should go where.

"Hmmm. Almost complete." He stated to no one. The lab was empty, save for the machinery and tools that lay discarded about the room. He hadn't had time yet to get everything in order. He had started work the instant the lab became available. Soon a new lab would be finished. One bigger and more suited to the required needs.

"What is almost complete?" Baret spun around in a startled gesture. He hadn't expected Obveron so soon. He looked upon the godlike figure towering over him. the past three day's had been good for getting to know the man. Baret still could decide weather he'd made the right choice in accepting Obveron's perposal, But it was all said and done. No turning back now.

"The synthetic regeneration tube's milord." Baret sighed. "With a few more tweaks and tests the prototype should be fully operational. Then all we need to do is test it."

Obveron's expression never faltered. He remained stiff and calm. "Good. Are you still sure about the candidate?" Obveron asked. He would have much rather of used the most powerful Saiyon, but Baret had insisted.

"Yes milord. Though he is the weaker, He possesses the Royal Bloodline. That could mean he has far more potential than the other." Baret's voice was rattled and nervous. Obveron knew what Baret was hiding, but decided against saying anything. It wasn't his concern. if all went well they'd cast away the weaker Saiyon and use the stronger. His army would not be created using second rate stock.

"Hmmm.... very well. I will send out a special team to capture the subject. It seems Sinder isn't following order's. Have you seen him?" Obveron asked. Baret couldn't help but notice a hint of desperation in his voice. "Uh...No milord. I avoid Sinder whenever I can actually" So did the rest of the crew whenever the repulsive beast was around.

"Very well. I will round up the men and give them my blessing. continue your work. If all goes well you should have your first subject by tonight.' With that Obveron burst out of sight in a bright glow of blue light and purple fire. For the third time in the past three day's he wish he'd thought this deal over before go through.

* * * * *

Obveron emerged in his room as he exited the great expanse. It had been mere child's play to exalt the men into a level that could easily capture the weak Saiyon. It was a pity that it wouldn't last. The effect's of this dimension being so far from the nexus. It's mana content was almost none existent.


"Obveron...." Came a voice from the corner. It was followed with a shrill but muffled giggle. Obveron instantly recognized the voice. "Sinder!" Obveron gasped towards the shadows the held the voice. "Where have you been?! You were supposed to dispose of Tervin, and bring back the weaker sai...." His voice was stopped short by a sharp blow to the back. Obveron bellowed out and fell to his knees.

"Little brother.. Do me a favor.... Look at me." the voice came from in front of him. slowly the top room light came on and Sinder sluggishly made his way into the light. Obveron gasped. Sinder's face looked charred and cracked. his hands were blistered and covered with dry blood. It took a second for the full impact to hit him. It was Sinder's blood. In every single fight with Viridian, Sinder hadn't bled a drop. What could possible been powerful enough to do this to the god.

"Look at me. Is this the face of a happy little demon? Huh!" Sinder swung his arm out knocking Obveron into the steel wall. Obveron spit out a few drops of his own blood. "Do you know how long this is gonna take to heal?" Sinder screamed. "Never have I been this mortally wounded!" He turned around and continued his ranting. "That damn kid! He used mana in this dimension like it was on tap! This entire plane has a mana level of a newborn child. there was no was he was getting it from here!" Sinder stopped for a second and turned back towards Obveron. "That damn kid hit me with a blast that was made up of both Mana and chi. Do you know what that means?! It means serious hurt and the fact that it was impossible doesn't help neither!" As Sinder yelled he threw his fist out, literally incinerating a steel bulkhead by the door.

"I just barley had time to jump dimension's" Sinder whispered, his breathing was labored and quick. Another first, Obveron had never seen Sinder out of breath. This ordeal must have really took it out of him. "When I emerged I found that my body was over 60% incinerated. I... I've never known pain like that. It was enlightening." Sinder turned his head and grinned evilly at Obveron.

"You are my brother, so there for I will give you a reprieve. But mark my words, Obveron. If I ever see you or any other from this dimension.. It's day's will be numbered." Wither that he disappeared in a violent wake in reality. The room shook as Obveron tried to steady himself and get to his feet.


* * * * *

Gohan stood on the tall peak and stared longingly out at the drifting clouds rolling

across the mountainside. His eye's fixed on the small camp down the rugged trail the led

down the mountain. He had been watching it for some time now. It didn't look to be any

kind of normal camp. Too many guards.

Gohan slowly turned around and went back down the mountain. The small trail led back down into a small forested area. He quickly made his way up and over branches. Till finally he came to a roaring fire. If there was one thing his dad could do, it was make campfires. Krillan sat to on side as Goku stuck a rabbit into the fire. "So Goku. How long?"

"Oh I'd say about ten minutes or so." He said as he stuck six more rabbits on the fire. "Good thing cause I'm hungry"


Gohan laughed as he sat by the fire next to Krillan. Gohan reach around and took off his pack, unzipping the top. Reaching in he pulled out a small watch like object, the dragon radar. Clicking the button once the display instantly showed they're location's. He could understand why they didn't show up a few day's ago before he and Krillan went to the circus. Here they were now. On his first real DragonBall hunt on earth. In a valiant effort to bring Orion back from the dead.

"So what's the radar say Gohan?" Goku asked from across the fire. He was preparing a pile of rabbits for the fire. Gohan looked at the radar. He could see the concentration of the five that they had. There was one far away to the north... and one close. Very close. In fact.. if Gohan was correct, it was just on the other side of the mountain.

"Hmmmmm...." Gohan mumbled. Krillan gave him a quizzical look.

"What wrong Gohan?" Gohan continued to stare at the radar.

"Well it show's one DragonBall to be far to the north. The other is right on the other side of the mountain." Krillan looked up to the sky.

"What's so bad about that... Personally I think this entire trip has been pretty easy." Krillan put his arms behind his head and stared up at the stars.

"When I was up on the top I saw a small encampment there. It looked pretty guarded."

Gohan reached into his sack and pulled out the four star DragonBall.

It's too bad Mr. Merlin decided not to come with us."

"Oh I think he had more important thing's to take care of Gohan. After all, he seemed pretty startled after he found out that here, when you die you go to some other dimension." Krillan frowned. "Too startled if you ask me. He seemed more enthusiastic about that than he did about the possibility of the dragonballs bringing Orion back."

* * * * *

The three of them slept soundly as the night sky turned about overhead. Not one of them stirred as glowing eye's watched them suspiciously.

* * * * *

Vegita roared in anger. The past few months could probably be counted as the worst in his life. First a humiliating defeat by a low class Saiyon. Then to come up against Freeza and die. Now to lose both his eyesight and his right arm! Vegita could never remember feeling so helpless.

He punched the 10k pound punching bag in capsule corp's gym. Even the thought of training sickened him. There didn't seem to be a point to anything anymore. Not after coming up against such a behemoth as he did a few day's ago. What was he thinking challenging such a power. A power that even Freeza would have to of bowed down to.

His mind continued to twirl as he repeatedly punched the bag. His senses had dulled since the battle, but they were returning quickly. But his mind was so out of focus that he didn't even notice there our people surrounding him. In a blink he was stunned, and the last thing he herd was.. That was just plain too easy!"

* * * * *

Bulma hummed a gentle tune as she worked and studied the strange devise on the table. Krillan had found it at the battle sight three days ago. It worked like a scouter but seemed to be able to do so much more. It literally put an swiss army knife to shame. IT seemed to be able to do almost anything. It's caliber was much higher than the Saiyon version as well. It had special circuits to keep it from overloading. It had a built in devise to hide the power level of it's wearer or even a group for up to a mile radius. It also had the ability to cook and prepare food, right out of thin air!

Bulma gasped as she pondered the potential of such a devise. It was the ability to erect a shield around the body of the wearer and produce oxygen for use in a vacuum. Whoever designed it must have had a whole lot of time on her hands.

As she looked through it's hard programming she came upon something interesting. Healing circuits. This machine had the ability to regenerate the body of it's wearer up to 50%. She instantly thought about poor Vegita. Could this help him?

She Quickly picked up the scouter and rushed out the door. If he was still following the same schedule he was in the gym. As she walked through the door she began speaking. "Hey Vegita. This baby putt's the Saiyon version to shame... It even has the ability to..." She looked around the room to find it empty. "Well how rude!"

* * * * *

Zouran stared up at the huge desk in front of him. His demeanor showed nothing but annoyance. He watched as the huge man, King Yammea he called himself, shuffled through endless papers and permits. Finally Zouran's patience ran out. "Listen bud. In the past forty eight hours I have been beaten, stabbed shackled electrocuted, burned, judged, and disintegrated! Now I am here to be judged yet again! My patience is not infinite! Tell me where I am going!"

The huge man looked down at him with little else than surprise. He obviously wasn't used to being talked to in such a manner. As he opened his mouth to say something, someone else decided to speak up. His voice was young and as innocent as any that Zouran had ever herd. One day he would wish he had never met the bearer. "Wow... Sounds like you've had a bad day."


Zouran turned to see a small boy walking out of the right entryway. He was short, looked to be maybe five or six. He had jet black hair that was short on the top with the back long, going outward till it decided to come to a point just below the knees. His eye's were blue and full of innocence. Zouran didn't think he'd ever meet anyone quite like him.

He turned back toward King Yamma. His face was full of anger. Maybe he had pushed it a little too far. "Ahh common Mr. Yamma." The boy said. "He's had a rough time. Cut him a little slack." Zouran glanced over at the boy. He was facing King Yamma right beside him. For a split second he thought he saw the boy's eye's change color.

King Yamma seemed to daze for but a second before he focused on his work again. He face a one of pure calm. As if Zouran's previous comment's were forgotten. "Hmmmm...." King Yamma grunted. His voice deep and calm. "Well if you had kept you mouth shut for a second longer I would have said you could go to the upper world...." King Yamma looked down at Zouran and then at the boy. "This is Orion.. He'll show you around till your plane leaves." He waved his hand to give them leave." Orion quickly grabbed his hand and lead him out the left exit. Once around the corner Orion gasped and leaned against the wall. "Whew! That was close." His breathing was labored, like he was holding him breath.

Zouran looked down at him quizzically. Never had he met such a person. One who would help another out to such risk to himself. Finally Orion caught his breath and returned Zouran's stares. "Well.. the plane to the upper world doesn't leave for another hour or so.. let me give you the tour."

* * * * *

They brought the Saiyon in just moment's after Baret had finished his work. The tube was finished and fully operational. It would strip the very life out of the Saiyon and map the entire DNA strand. From there It would uplink and feed it to the second tube and Voile. Instant Saiyon soup. "Just add water" Baret thought to himself suppressing a giggle.

What Baret didn't expect was the Saiyon to arrive severely damaged. His eye's were completely shot and his entire upper right arm was missing. "What the hell.. You were to bring him unharmed!" Baret screamed at the commando the brought it in.

"Sorry sir. He was like that when we captured him." Baret eye's him evilly for a second before looking back at the Saiyon. Aside from the obvious wounds it seemed to be in great shape. Baret nodded as he removed the knockout pin from the Saiyon's neck. "Put him on the table." Baret motioned.

They placed the Saiyon on the table and locked his arms into the restraint's. Not that there was any fear. The knockout mixture had been tested on ton's of Saiyon's and had been concocted to deal with they're hyper metabolism. Never-the-less, Baret wasn't taking chances.

Baret grinned with anticipation as he went to the lab cabinet and pulled out a heavy serenge. He walked back over to the Saiyon and uncovered his right shoulder. "Everyone stand back. This hasn't ever been tested on a Saiyon. Baret pulled out a small palm computer and punched a few button's. With a last hint of hesitation he poked the needle into the Saiyon's shoulder and inserted the content's of the serenge.

At first the Saiyon lay lifeless, save for the rise and fall of his chest. Suddenly he went into a massive fit of spasm's. His body jerked against the restraint's and his eye's shot open. Baret stepped back and stared.

The Saiyon's eye's seemed to be mimicking the movement's and spasm's of his body. His eye suddenly turned from pure white to the black that normally fit's a Saiyon.

He mouth opened with a pain filled scream as he stiffened on the table. His right arm, strained against the restraint, seemed to flex and rip. Suddenly a piece of bone shot out of his arm. it was followed by other bone shooting out of the end. Almost as soon as the appeared, muscles seemed to grow out of nowhere and attach themselves to the bone's. In no time at all the Saiyon had recovered his eyesight and his right arm.

Baret stepped up to the table to examine the Saiyon. "What if he would of died?" Came a calm but lecturing voice form behind him. Baret knew instantly that it was Obveron. Baret threw a passing glance at him. "Goran didn't."

"Goran was lucky." Obveron stated as he joined Baret beside the table. "If I'm not mistaken. That process makes it exceedingly harder to kill him.. What happens when it becomes time to dispose of him?" Obveron asked, almost accusingly. Baret stared at him subjectedly for a second.

"Not to worry.. I programmed these nano's to reconstruct the body only. As soon as the job was done they shut down and, if we were to allow the Saiyon to live, they would filter out through the bodies system naturally."


Obveron nodded. "How long till we can begin the procedure?" Baret walked over to the tube and began it's calibration. "We can begin immediately. Unfortunately it will take some time to complete."

"How long?"

"Five, six day's maximum."

Obveron again nodded and turned his attention back to the Saiyon. "Just one more question." Obveron stated. "Are Saiyon's supposed to have a tail?"

End of chapter one.

Author's note

Well it's that time again. First of all I beg your forgiveness at the lateness of this chapter. I have currently been working on other people's webpages and haven't had the time to write like I'd hoped.

Secondly I hope you will forgive me for the shortness of this chapter. But I have to say that this volume will be extremely short compared to any other.(I'm expecting three to five chapter's Max) But I assure you that Volume three will be by far the longest.

Thanks for reading.


DragonBall Z

The Orion Saga

Volume II

The Lost Saiyon

Written by Paladin

Chapter Two.

Tervin emerged from the deep cavern that had served as hi home for the past several day's. Until then his mind had been consumed with thoughts of rage and fear. Of guild and self-loathing. How could he have been so weak? Never had he acted the way he did when he fled the battlefield. Never.

For a whole day he did nothing but run as far away as he could. Till finally he came across the deep canyon's of the yjamya pass. Frozen in fear he could do nothing but focus on the memory of he awesome power he'd felt from that hideous creature that had come to kill him.

There was no way in a million year's he ever hope to be able to stand up to such a creature. Its power was beyond imagination, beyond dream.

Finally he calmed down and started thinking about what to do next. The saiyon's wanted nothing more than to kill him and the feeling was mutual. Baret, the man he'd once called father, the man he'd once respected and trusted with his life, had cast him out and sentenced him to death.

Yes, that was the next step. Tervin found his mind refreshed with a new mission. It came as no surprise to him when it turned out like the last. Revenge. He would go and kill Baret for betraying him. He would make Baret suffer as he did at the hands of the hideous creature that called itself Sinder.

Slowly Tervin walked out of the canyon, striding to the highest peak. There he searched with his mind. A talent he'd learned after feeling the awesome power of Sinder.

Around him he could feel the auras of all the life of the planet. But he was only looking for one. He found it. It seemed Baret had wasted no time in taking advantage of Tervin's labor. From the feel of things the site was all but completed.

Tervin's face grew an evil grin as he looked north. "Soon father.... Soon your thought will be wrapped with my hands, the saiyon's will be dead, and at long last my revenge will be complete!" Tervin lingered just a moment longer before shooting into the sky.


* * * * *

Gohan showed his father where he'd last seen the encampment. He was surprised it was still there. In the blazing sunlight hitting the tents caused them to take on a bluish gray tone. As Gohan stared down at the camp he saw that whoever was down there, they had been there for a while. The grass had worn away to powdered dirt, and in some places he could see the beginning's of buildings starting to be built.

Gohan took one more glace at the camp before looking up at his father. Goku returned the stare and then glanced over to Krillan. Krillan was staring intently at the camp, trying to piece together it's aura. He then looked up to Goku and nodded.

"Let's go." Goku stated as he started walking down the path, Krillan and Gohan Following his lead.

* * * * *

The camp was a lot more robust than Gohan had thought. Immediately after they emerged from the forest they were surrounded my guards. Gohan's eyes went widened as the leaf-covered men came seemingly out of nowhere. He looked up at his father and wondered if he himself had even knew. Gohan could barely feel they're presence now.

Suddenly one in front of them spoke. He was a tall boy. Couldn't have been any older than fifteen. He had bluish black hair that ended at his neck, and draped over his eyes. He was wearing a gray sweater with a huge leaf covering his chest and arm's. Gohan had to suppress a giggle as it reminded him of Saiyon battle armor. "What are you doing in the land of Master Yabo? Answer quickly." He barked as he pointed an old, knife tipped laser rifle at Goku.

Goku looked at the gun disdainfully, then to the boy who wielded it. Slowly he reached into Gohan's sack and pulled out DragonBall. "We're looking or a ball that looks something likes this." Goku said. "There's no need for the guns. We won't hurt you." The boy glanced at the ball for a second, then back at Goku. He seemed o stare into space as he tried to decide what to do. Finally he turned around and headed back towards the center of the camp. "Follow me." He said as he trailed off.

The inside of the camp didn't look much different from the outside. There were random piles of bones cast about the place, and rugs hung from the entrance to every tent.

The boy led them to the center of the village. Before them they could see a raised floor held up by several bamboo supports. On top of the floor they could see numerous chair's, the middle one being the biggest and decorated with bones and a finely crafted rug.

"Stay here!" The boy shouted at them as he hurried into a tent behind him. As soon as he was gone Krillan tugged on Goku's shirt. "What are we goanna do Goku. What if they don't want to give us the Dragon Ball? We can't just take it from them ... Can we?" Goku looked up into the cloudless sky thoughtfully.

"No Krillan we couldn't. That would be wrong." Goku said with a deep sigh. Behind him he heard Gohan gasp. "Don't worry. I'll think of something."

As son as Goku finished they heard a strong deep shout come from out of the tent that the boy had disappeared from. "What!" Gohan jumped about three feet in the air. From the sound of the voice the person it belonged to must be big. Gohan's mind swam with thoughts of Rakum and Nappa.

Suddenly a tiny figure emerged from the tent. Everyone's jaw's hit the ground as they're eyes shot open in disbelief. The boss of the camp was shorted than Krillan. Gohan didn't think he'd seen a shorter grownup since he'd met Cho-zu.

The little man stepped right up to Goku and gave him an evil glare. "So you want shinny ball Great Mussa give too Yabo!" The man shouted up at Goku, causing Goku's hair to shoot up towards the sky. Goku didn't know what was worse. This guy's manners, or his breath.

Slowly Goku nodded. "NO! Shinny ball mine. You know how hard it be to find good bowling ball my size? Hard! That's right! We be in middle o no where's. There be no decent pro shop for miles!" Goku looked at him in disbelief. Gohan and Krillan's faces dropped to looks of desperation and hopelessness.

"Aww common." Goku whined. "Can I please have the DragonBall?" King Yabo suddenly looked at his ball in a mixed glace of doubt and disgust. "You mean some poor dragon?"

"Please sir." Gohan chimed in. "we really, really need it." The man turned his head and looked at Gohan suspiciously. We walked up to him and stared at him from head to toe. Finally his face turned to a smile. "Ha! Me like you. You be almost as tall as King Yabo. Sure you can have Yabo's bowling ball... But first...." He swiftly turned his head towards the tent and screamed. "BANGA!"

Suddenly a huge hulk of a man shot out of the main tent and zoomed up to Yabo. "YES MASA YAJO! BANGA HERE!" The man roared. Gohan jumped back. For a second he thought he'd met Rakum's older brother. He couldn't help but wonder if he was just as strong.

Yabo turned to Gohan with a devilish smile. "If you beat Banga... Alone." He looked at Goku and Krillan with an accusing frown. "You may have shinny dragon's nut. If you can't then... well you'll get the idea." Yabo looked at Gohan with excitement and impatience.

Gohan looked up the Banga. The man smiled back with a toothless grin. He stood at least nine feet tall. His legs were easily bigger than Goku, and had biceps that made Krillan look like a piece of paper.

He quickly turned to Goku. Goku was also looking at the massive hulk that stood before him. Then he looked at Gohan with a smile. "Sure Gohan. Go ahead. You should be able to wipe the floor with this guy."

Gohan looked at him doubtfully. Yabo burst out in a ragging fit of laughter. Banga joined in with his random chuckles. Goku Stared waling away from the center of town a sat down next to one of the tents. Krillan followed and sat next to him. "Are you sure about this Goku? That guy looks awfully strong."

"It's ok Krillan. Raddit's would have had no trouble with that guy. Besides he's all muscle, no brain. For Gohan this should be a snap."


Yabo fell to the ground in a violent wheeze of laughter. Gohan frowned down at him and then looked back up at Banga again. He stretched out with his mind and focused on the spirit of the massive giant. Suddenly Gohan found himself trying to keep from laughing himself.

When Yabo saw this he stopped his epileptic fit. His face was consumed with rage. "Grrrr.. You little... You laugh at Yabo. You pay! BANGA! CRUSH TWIG!" Yabo pointed directly at Gohan. With a look of delight on his face Banga raised his fist into one ball. "BANGA SMASH!" With a mad yell he brought his fists down. Suddenly he found them hurting, as he hit nothing but the ground.

The earth shook as his blow collided with the dirt. Yabo found himself raised into the air coming down hard on his butt. "Grrrr stupid giant!" He mumbled to himself.

Gohan easily evaded the blow. Banga looked around in surprise. The little boy was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly he felt a tap on his head. He looked around his shoulder to see the pest on top of his back. "Hi." Gohan said holding up a peace sign. Banga twirled around in an attempt to squash the little ant. Gohan jumped up into the air landing right in front of him. "BANGA SQUASH SMALL THING!" Banga roared as he threw his fist around at Gohan. Gohan bought his arm up. Stopping Banga's fist right in it's tracks.

Gohan brought up his other arm and moved his index finger back and forth. "Uh uh." HE said in a cocky tone. With that Gohan leapt up into the air and drop kicked Banga into he air. In the distance Gohan just barely though he could hear "BANGA FLY.....!" Yabo looked at Gohan in shock. "You... Me ... Banga.. He... Waaaa?" He stuttered.

* * * * *

Far from the village Banga Landed in the middle of a flowery meadow. Banga sat up right and looked around in a dazed state. His eyes saw stars as a huge bulge produced itself from atop his forehead. Banga pointed at them and smiled. "He heh... Lumps!" He said as he fell unconscious."

* * * * *

Yabo crossed his arms and pouted as Gohan held up his newly acquired DragonBall. "Thank you mister Yabo. That was easy!" Yabo turned his head and cursed. Goku put his hand on Gohan's shoulder and smiled. "Only One more to go guys" Gohan looked up at him and smiled.

"Yeah! Then we can wish Orion back to this dimension." Gohan exclaimed.

All three of them exclaimed as they stared waling away from the village. As they left, Yabo turned with a wicked sneer. "You go north now?" Goku turned.


"Have good time... Strange things be goin on there."

"What kind of strange things?" Goku asked darkly.

"Three moons ago many stars fell there. Not much left I supposed. Dragon nut surly be smashed." Yabo giggled.

* * * * *

Orion led Zouran towards the farthest balcony of King Yamma's checking station. He had shone almost the entire complex to the newly deceased boy. For some odd reason Orion felt a small kinship to him. Like he was a long lost friend he'd never met.

"So what's that over there?" Zouran asked, pointing towards the pathway leading to a giant snakehead. "Oh that's just snake way. They say it leads to the greatest martial art's master this dimension has ever seen. Humph." Orion Grunted.

"What was that for?"

"Where I came from, there was a guy that far stronger than what they say king kai is. By far." Orion said as he sat on the ledge and looked into the yellow clouds below. Zouran couldn't help but notice the hint of sorry in his voice.

"Orion. Tell me something." He said as he sat down next to him. "Everyone around here has blue skin and horns, except for King Yamma of course. But you look completely different. What's the deal? How long have you been here?" Orion looked up at him.

"Only a few days now. I don't really recall how I died. All I remember is seeing my mother in front of me..... " Orion's eyes suddenly went clear and distant. Zouran hunched back in amazement. "Then for some reason there's nothing.. but.."

"But what" Zouran asked cautiously. Orion's eyes went back to normal just as quickly as they changed. "Hate... Anger... Oblivion.. Words can't really describe it. I'm sorry. I don't really like talking bout it. Every time I even think about it, it seems a demon jumps on my shoulder." Orion sighed as his gaze fell again to the yellow clouds. Zouran nodded and put his hand on Orion's shoulder.

"Anyway. When I got here they were even more freaked out than I was. It seems they have a record of every moment in every person's life. I guess mine must have gotten lost cause they didn't even have a record of my being born. Well I since they didn't have any record of my life they couldn't send me to the upper world, so they decided to send me to HEFL." Zouran cocked an eyebrow.


"HEFL. Home for infinite losers."

"Damn funimation!" Zouran shouted. Orion looked up at him quizzically. Zouran smiled sheepishly. "Sorry... I don't know where that came from."

Orion looked at him for a second longer before returning his gaze to the yellow skyline. "Well... when they put me in the machine to drain all my evil out.. Something happened."


"Beats me. All I can say is there was a lot of screaming and fire. Later they told me the machine overloaded. Don't ask me how. As far as I know my spirit is as good and pure as a fresh bedpan." It was Zouran's turn to look at Orion with a quizzical stare.

"Anyway when the machine was fixed they tried it again and again. Each time the machine blew up. Finally they decided to just let me stay here."


Zouran nodded thoughtfully. Then he turned his attention to the enormous snakehead at the end of the distant path. "Hey let's go check it out!" He said pointing to it. Orion looked up at the sky. "Naw we probably otta be getting you back. The plane leaves in fifteen minutes."

"Aww come on. It'll just take a second. All I want to do is a take a look. Come on!" He said as he started sprinting up the path. "Race you!"

"Hey!" Orion said holding his hand out to grab him. He was too late. Zouran was already dashing up the path full tilt. Orion smirked as he started after him.


Since he was born Zouran had loved to run. No one had ever challenged him in a racing contest and won. Oh how easily he was humbled. He was just starting to feel his breath start to tug at him when he looked to his left to see Orion right beside him. He looked strait at the snakes head, now just yards away. Panting he closed his eyes and pumped every little bit of energy into his legs. Off he took in a heated blur. Smiling he looked beside him just to see Orion a few feet in front.


His eye's shot open wide. Never had he seen anything with that sort of speed. He had outrun Grendgien racing cruisers. Granted he spent a week in the clinic afterwards. But never had he encounters anything to match his speed, mechanical or living.

Zouran's disbelief got the best of him as he ran headlong into the snake. He went strait to the ground. His head a complete blur he couldn't even hear his own thoughts. Suddenly he felt the sensation of weightless ness. He groggily looked down to see he was falling strait towards the yellow clouds.

In a violent flash they opened up revealing a glowing surface. Just as quickly his mind cleared and he looked up. Orion was kneeling down looking at him holding out his hand. In a swift move he held out his own coming just centimeters from making contact. He Saw Orion's face go pail as he fell. As soon as he hit the glowing surface he was encompassed by it. He suddenly felt a million hands grabbing him, pulling him under. In no time he found himself falling yet again. Only thins time the ground was unmistakable dirt and soil.

Screaming, he landed with a loud thud. He lay there for what seemed like hours. In his head he heard music. Harmony that reminded him of the grand parades they used to have in the well-known square of timbleton.

All at once he noticed the music wasn't in his head. He swiftly got to one knee and looked around. To the far off distance he could see the grandest, largest playground he'd ever seen. His mouth his the ground as he looked on in amazement. Slowly he muttered to himself. "Hell is an... Amusement park!? Oh please tell me your joking!"

End of chapter two

Author's note

Well I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is basically for those of you who know him. Yes Banga will be back. I can't see when and I can't say where. But I assure you he will return. *wink* *wink*
