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The preserved Word of God


    Throughout this website I have talked about the Bible and God's word written in it. But a trip to the local " Christian bookstore " will show that there are many versions of the Bible.....this " love letter " in existence today. Some of them speak in odd languages and use old fashioned words like thy and thou and shalt, while other versions are more " hip " and modern and speak to us in a more everyday language. The question is, with all these different Bibles out there, which one is the right one.....which one is the one I should be reading ? That is the question I will attempt to answer in this writing.
    The Bible claims to be the " preserved Word of God ".....written by men as inspired by God. These men " took dictation " as God spoke to them and told them what to write. Obviously Moses, who wrote the Book of Genesis, was not there to witness first-hand the events of the Creation ( no one but God was ) so he could not write anything about Creation except what he was told to write by the only one there at the time. Nor could the people who wrote any of the Old Testament foretell the future and write about what was to happen in the New Testament, unless they were told what to write. The same thing with Revelation; John could not know the end times except that he was told by God what to write down. So these facts show that the Bible is " inspired " and is the Word of God in the fact that only God knew what to tell these men to write about. This much is undeniable. The problem comes in when we try to find out which version is the true Word of God.
    There are many different " versions " of the Bible.....the authorized King James ( K.J.V. ), the New King James ( N.K.J.V. ), the New International Version ( N.I.V. ), the New American Standard Version ( N.A.S.V. ), the Living Bible ( L.B. ), the New English Bible ( N.E.B. ), the Revised Standard Version ( R.S.V. ) to name a few of the more popular ones. However, it is my belief ( note: I said my belief ) that the authorized King James Bible version is the true Word of God. You may not agree, and that is your prerogative, but that is how I feel and what I believe.

" I am the Lord, I change not. " ( MALACHI 3:6 )
    God is unchangeable. God's Word is unchangeable as well. When God says something, you can bet that He means what He says and He will not waiver from it. In MATTHEW 24:35 The Lord Jesus said " Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. " Why then are we so ready to accept changes to God's word in the form of different Bible versions ? Are we so self-inflated and arrogant that we think we can interpret what God meant when He said these things ? Are we so cock-sure of ourselves to think we know what God is thinking ? I hope not. The Authorized King James Version text has faithfully served the body of Christ for almost 400 years. During that time, and during it's translation itself, Satan has viciously and relentlessly attacked it. Now those calling themselves " Christians " are also attacking it as well. Some common complaints include " It's too hard to read " or " It doesn't properly reflect the true meaning of the original Greek text. " These are excuses, not reasons.
    We must remember that the Bible is a spiritual book and is understandable to those who are led by the Holy Spirit. It is not possible for the natural man to understand it " But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. " ( I CORINTHIANS 1:14. ) So paraphrasing or simplifying it will do no good. The Bible is not supposed to be read like a fairy tale or a storybook. Peter said " For we have not followed cunningly devised fables " ( II PETER 1:16.) The text of the authorized King James are not hard to read or understand for those who truly want to read it and learn about Gods plan for us. It is beautifully written and almost poetic in it's writing style. Even the secular world knows it.....the King James Bible has been listed on Norton Anthology's list of the world's best literature for many years.

HOSEA 11:12 ...but Judah yet ruleth with God,
and is faithful with the saints.
Judah is unruly against
God, even against the faithful Holy One.
Judah is also unruly against God, even against the Holy One who is faithful. Judah is yet roaming with God, and with the Most Holy One he is trustworthy
MATTHEW 9:13 for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. For I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners.
MATTHEW 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. OMITTED footnote cast doubt OMITTED
MATTHEW 19:17 Why callest thou me good? Why do you ask me about what is good? Why are you asking me about what is good? Why do you ask me about what is good?
MATTHEW 25:13 Ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh You do not know the day or the hour. You do not know the day nor the hour. You know neither the day nor the hour,
MARK 10:24 hard it is for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God! hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! difficult a thing it is to enter into the kingdom of God!
LUKE 2:33 And Joesph and his mother... The child's father and mother... His father and mother... its father and mother...
LUKE 4:4 Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. Man does not live on bread alone. Man shall not live on bread alone. Man must not live on bread alone.
LUKE 4:8 Get thee behind me, Satan. OMITTED OMITTED OMITTED
JOHN 6:47 He that believeth on me hath everlasting life. He who believes has everlasting life. He who believes has eternal life. He that believes has everlasting life.
JOHN 8:9 And when they heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out... ...those who heard began to go away... ...when they heard it, they began to go out one by one... OMITTED
JOHN 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me. We must do the work of him who sent me. We must work the works of Him who sent Me. We must work the works of him that sent me.
JOHN 9:4 I and my Father are one. I and the Father are one. I and the Father are one. I and the Father are one.
ACTS 23:9 Let us not fight against God. OMITTED OMITTED OMITTED
REVELATION 20:9 Fire came down from God out of heaven... Fire came down from heaven... Fire came down from heaven... Fire came down from heaven...

The Bible version issue is one of the hottest and most divisive issues in the church today. It seems everyone has an opinion and everyone thinks their opinion is the right one. As Christians, we must know what we believe and why we believe it..... especially in this day and age with the possibilitiy of Christ's return at any time. Few would doubt that we are in the last days.....too many prophesies have come to pass to deny that. And we must be prepared for His return at all times. Satan is out to destroy the faith of God's people in Him and in His Word and his attacks have gotten more serious and destructive as we get closer to the coming of Christ. Satan is not going to give up and will fight till the end.....we must be prepared to do likewise. The first question recorded in the Bible was asked by Satan. He said to Eve, " Yea, hath God said.....? " ( GENESIS 3:1. ) That question is still being asked today. Each time a new " version " of the Bible emerges, it casts doubt on the word of God and confuses believers and non-believers alike. We need to not only be able to discern the word of God, we need to be able to discern which Bible records it!

    It is my belief that the word of God for the English-speaking world is the King James Authorized Version of the Holy Bible. I believe that it is the preserved, inspired scriptures, and that it contains the perfect word of God without error or contradiction. My position is not based on prejudice or partiality and it's not because I think I am more educated or somehow more knowledgeable on the subject.....I will be the first to tell you I don't know everything about God's word. No, my belief in the King James Authorized Version is based on the evidence that proves the validity and authority of the King James Bible overwhelmingly. When faced with this evidence, there can be little room for doubt that the K.J.V. is the true and undeniable word of God.

Let us examine some of this evidence more closely. I have broken it down into the following categories:


Some new Bibles are dangerous because of the theological bias of their translators. The Revised Standard Version of the Bible was presented to the public as a completed work in 1952. It was authorized by the extremely liberal National Council of Churches. Their bias is clearly evident in such readings as ISAIAH 7:14:

" Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold a young woman shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. " ( Revised Standard Version )

    The difference between this reading and the way the verse reads in the King James Version is very important. The old Bible says that "a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son." The liberal bias against the doctrine of the virgin birth of Christ is reflected in the R.S.V. translation of this verse. The R.S.V. completely denounces the miracle of Christ's birth! Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary. To say that she was born of a " young woman " degrades The Son of God to that of any mere mortal throughout history ! The word used in the original Hebrew has long been understood to mean specifically a virgin in this context, and is incorrectly rendered " young woman " by the R.S.V.
    And in addition, this liberal version translates MATTHEW 1:23," Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son. " This is a correct rendering of the Greek, however with the incorrect translation of Isaiah 7:14 in the same Bible, the impression is given that Matthew misquoted Isaiah. Not only is the doctrine of the virgin birth undermined in the Revised Standard Version, but also the doctrine of the infallibility of the Bible ! The Bible is supposed to be the one book that can be counted on to be true and correct throughout.....if it has errors like this, who can trust it ? Who knows what other errors it may contain ?
    The Good News Bible ( or, properly, Today's English Version ) was translated by the neo-orthodox Richard Bratcher, and purposely replaces the word " blood" with the word " death" in many New Testament passages that refer to the blood of Christ ( such as COLOSSIANS 1:20, HEBREWS 10:19, and REVELATION 1:5. ) This replacement could lead one to think that Jesus is dead. This, of course, is not true.....He lives, having been resurrected, and the idea that He is still dead is not what the Christian faith is based on. Without Christ's resurrection, we have no hope of eternal life ourselves as Jesus defeated death and so He gives us that same power when we believe in Him.
    Bratcher also replaces the word "virgin" with "girl" in LUKE 1:27. His theological bias ruins his translation. Other versions, such as the Phillips translation and the the New English Bible, were also produced by liberal or neo-orthodox religionists. For this reason, I will not use them.

# 2.  ~ TEXTUAL REASONS ! ~ !

Many people in the church pews today do not know that most of the more than 100 new versions of the Bible are not translated from the same Hebrew and Greek texts that the King James translators used ! For example, in the late 1800's, a committee of British and American scholars began work on a revision of the King James Bible. It was decided by them that the Greek text of the New Testament used in the translation of the old Bible was seriously defective. Although that text represented the New Testament as it had been accepted by most Christians over the centuries, it was spurned because it disagreed with some of the older manuscripts. Almost all of the new versions are actually translations of the new Greek text generated by this committee. This new text is significantly different from the traditional text.
    When the reader comes to JOHN 7:53 & 8:11 even in conservative translations such as the New American Standard Bible or the New International Version, he finds the whole story of the woman taken in adultery set apart with lines or brackets. A note is placed in relation to the bracketed section that says something like this:

" The earliest and most reliable manuscripts do not have JOHN 7:53 & 8:11. "

    Something similar is done to the great commission in MARK 16:9-20. What the textual critics of a century ago were saying, and what the new versions are saying, is that a large amount of the New Testament read, believed, preached, and obeyed by most of our spiritual forefathers was actually uninspired material added to the text ! If this new textual theory were true, it would be revolutionary news to the church. However, the new theory is still very controversial. Jesus said, " Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. " ( MATTHEW 4:4 ) Every man needs every word of God ! A man's needs will not be met unless he has received " every word " that God has spoken. So said the Lord Jesus. Jesus also said," Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. " ( MATTHEW 24:35. ) With that promise, Christ assured us that the very words we need in order to live as we should would be preserved throughout the ages, through wars and persecutions and disasters, even through the fiery end of creation!
    So-called " textual criticism " is more faith than it is science. If one studies the thousands of Greek manuscripts of the New Testament with the belief that God has preserved His Word through the years, he will come to different conclusions than one who studies the same documents with the belief that such preservation is unlikely. Much of the work is guess work and many of the conclusions are debatable. For this reason, thoughtful conservative Christians will decide that it is safer to stay with the traditional text than to adopt the revised one.


Christians ought to be interested in having the very words of God, since this is what Jesus said we need ! The King James Version is what scholars call a " formal equivalence " to the original text. Others, however, use the " dynamic equivalence. " The " formal equivalence " approach seeks to express in English the meaning of the words in Greek. The " dynamic equivalence " approach seeks to express the meaning of the writer in modern idiom. Anyone who takes seriously our Lord's admonition in MATTHEW 4:4 will want a " formal equivalence " translation, since we cannot know all that was going through the mind and the heart of the write at the time he wrote the passage. We do not live in that time nor have to deal with the same conditions, circumstances and emotions that they dealt with. Just as it would be impossible for them to see what the future.....our time.....would hold, so it is impossible for us to completely understand all that they went through in the past. We can know the history, but not the emotions and feelings that went along with it.
    Several of the new versions claim to offer the " formal equivalence " but they fall far short. The so-called " Living Bible " does not even pretend to be a translation of the words. Copies of this book clearly identify it as a " paraphrase " of God's Word. Dr. Kenneth Taylor wrote the Living Bible, and freely admitted that it was his paraphrase of the Scriptures. In other words, he was putting the Bible into his own words. When a pastor reads JOHN 3:16 to his congregation Sunday morning, that is one thing. When he rephrases it in his own words in order to explain what the verse means, that is another thing. Preachers must make it clear to their congregations when they are reading God's Word and when they are paraphrasing it. It's acceptable to paraphrase the Scripture in explaining it, but it is unacceptable to confuse the paraphrase with the actual Word ! The Living Bible is not a Bible; it is Dr. Taylor's paraphrase of the Bible. Please keep in mind the distinction. Sadly, the result of Dr. Taylor's paraphrasing was not always very helpful, even though he claims to hold " a rigid evangelical position " in his theology. For example, in I SAMUEL 20:30, he introduced vile profanity into Holy Writ without warrant from the original text !
    The very popular New International Version ( N.I.V ) is a " dynamic equivalence " translation. Its " rival " among the many " conservative " modern versions is the New American Standard Bible, which is a " formal equivalency " translation ( but of the new text. ) The looseness of the N.I.V.'s translation is admitted by the publishers and well-known. The scholars who did the translation believe that it is possible and beneficial to put into English what the writers of scripture meant, rather than what they actually said. One great problem with this approach is the element of interpretation that is introduced into the translation process. To translate is to put it into English. To interpret is to explain what it means. Experts will say that all translation involves some interpretation, even when this is not the object of the translators. However, much more interpretation will go on when the composers of a new version try to convey the thoughts rather than the words.
    Advertising for the New International Version has often included references to the translation of JOB 36:33. Promoters of the N.I.V. ask us which version we would rather read.

" The noise thereof sheweth concerning it, the cattle also concerning the vapour. " ( King James Version )

" His thunder announces the coming storm; even the cattle make known its approach. " ( New International Version )

Without question, the N.I.V. reading is clearer. However, which translation represents more accurately the meaning of the Hebrew words in this verse ? The truth is that this is a hard verse to read and understand in Hebrew as well as in the King James Version ! Any good technical commentary will tell you this. The New International makes it clearer than the original Hebrew !
    Actually though, the N.I.V. interprets for us what the translation committee thinks the passage means, rather than what it says. The King James Version tells us what it says and leaves to us, as much as possible, the business of interpreting what it means. This is an important distinction. If we let the translators interpret the Bible for us, we might as well let the priest do it ! God has provided His own interpreter for us in the form of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who is best able to show us what God meant when He gave the scripture to the writer. When you allow the Holy Spirit to interpret the Bible for you, you actually cut out all " interpretations " and get the information straight from the source !


As I said earlier in this paper, the King James Version of the Bible has been accused of being too hard to read or not being understandable to todays society. But believe it or not, some of the features most criticized in the King James Bible are among the best reasons to keep it ! For example, let's consider the use of " thee's ", " thou's ", and " thy's. " The use of these words has always spark controversy in translating the Bible. Many people feel the use of such archaic words detracts from the meanings we are supposed to glean from reading the Bible. I do not feel this way. I believe we need the thee's, thou's,and thy's to get the proper meaning and context from the scriptures. The King James Version was not written in the everyday language of people on the street in 1611. It was written in high English, a very precise form of our language. In modern English, the second person pronoun is expressed with one word, whether in the singular or the plural. That word is " you. " Most other European languages have both a singular and a plural pronoun in the second person, as well as in the first and third persons. The first person singular pronoun in the nominative case, for example, is " I, " while the plural is " we. " The third person singular pronoun ( also in the nominative case ) is " he, " while the plural is " they. "
Modern English, however, has only " you " for all its second person pronoun uses. High English uses " thou " for the second person singular, and " you " for the plural ! In this way, the King James Version lets us know whether the Scripture means a singular " you " or a plural " you. " " Thou " or " thee " mean one person's being addressed, and " ye " or " you " mean several. This feature often helps us interpret a passage. Here are a couple examples to help you understand this:

" Take heed lest by any means this liberty of yours become a stumblingblock to them that are weak. For if any man see thee which hast knowledge sit at meat in the idol's temple, shall not the conscience of him which is weak be emboldened to eat those things which are offered to idols; And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish for whom Christ died ? But when ye sin so against the bretheren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. " I CORINTHIANS 8:9-12

In this passage,

Here is another example:

" Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again. "
Here Jesus is talking to Nicodemus, but obviously His words have a wider meaning to us all.
And finally:
" This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord where I will meet you, to speak there unto thee. " EXODUS 29:42
The you and your, refer to the children of Israel, but thee refers to Moses, who had the holy privilege of hearing the words of God directly.

    We also find the use of italics in the old Bible a great help. The translators italicized words they put into the text that do not appear in the original language. The new translations do not do this. We appreciate the integrity of the ancient scholars in letting us know what was added and what was original, and are disappointed that modern translators have let us down in this area.
   The matter of quotation marks is also a question of importance. The King James Version does not use them, because the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts do not have them. The reader determines where a quotation begins and ends by the context, and by all other means of interpretation at his disposal. The new versions do not give us the luxury of deciding the extent of quotations ourselves because they have inserted quote marks according to the translator's interpretations of the various passages. JOHN 1:15-18 and 3:27-36 present examples of places in the Bible where the length of the quotation is a matter of interpretation.
    Such features make the King James Version the most helpful translation of the Bible in English for the serious reader. Even the " New King James, " which is translated from the traditional texts, denies us the practical help of high English, italicized additions, and the absence of quotation marks.

For all of these reasons, it just makes good sense for conservative, Bible-believing churches to keep the old King James Bible as their standard text. The new versions present too many problems and simply are not fit to replace the English version we have trusted for so long. Let's stick with the King James ! After all, when was the last time you saw a classroom where every student had a different textbook ? Can you imagine the chaos and confusion that would cause? How would anyone know what to study ? That is the problem we face with all these different versions of the Bible. Another effect that we come across is in the area of winning other souls to Christianity. When a Christian tries to talk to a non-believer about his faith, this issue of multiple versions of the Bible often comes up. How difficult it can be to try to convince someone to believe what the Bible says when we don't even know for sure ! And what must be going through their mind? " These Christians want everyone to believe in their God but they don't even have a definitive word of God. Seems anyone can write a Bible ! " In fact they already say the Bible is just a book written by men.

The Godly Heritage of the K.J.V.
    Christianity has its foundations in one authorizing and governing document. That document is the Bible. Any attorney will understand the critical nature of altering an authorizing and governing document. Because the Bible is in every sense the final and absolute foundation of what we as Christians believe and practice, it only is prudent that we be concerned that the foundation is sure and the benchmark has not been altered.
    For almost two millennia the church of Jesus Christ accepted a set of Greek and Hebrew texts that were received by virtually all gospel preaching, Bible believing churches of whatever group. This text was called the Received Text ( or Textus Receptus in Latin> ) Down through the centuries biblical scholars and church leaders had assembled the existing Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible. From that compilation, the vast majority were in virtual agreement. These formed the basis of the Received Text.
    In the year 1611 A.D., King James I of England was influenced to provide a common Bible for the English speaking world. Hence, he authorized a translation of the Bible into English that came to be known as the Authorized Version or as it is more commonly known, the King James Version. King James selected a committee of Greek and Hebrew scholars from the Church of England. These men were " low church " individuals with ties to the Puritans and later the Pilgrims who emigrated to America. They worked from the text of the Greek and Hebrew testaments that had been " received " or accepted by virtually all branches of gospel preaching, Bible believing Christians from the apostolic era to that time. Their product, the King James Version of the Bible, has been, until just recently, the universal standard for Bible believing Christians of the English speaking world.
    The venerable King James Version of the Bible is not copyrighted. It is considered a public domain publication of the Word of God. However, virtually all modern versions are copyrighted. As any author or publisher knows, a copyright is for protection of commercial rights. It means that no one else may market their Bible without paying the publisher or at the least receiving written permission to do so. Does not the Apostle Peter refer to some in the last days " making merchandise of you " regarding the things of God ( II PETER 2:3 ? )
    When considering the various distortions, deletions, corruptions, dilutions, changes and questionable associations of the other versions of the Bible and its modernist translations, I choose to stick with the venerable King James Version of the Bible that our forebearers so faithfully used. It is an ancient landmark. Down through the centuries, it has been the Bible used for every major revival to sweep across portions of the English speaking world. It was the Bible of the Pilgrim forefathers of this nation. And it has been God blessed wherever it has been used. It is based upon the ancient text which has been, until just recently, the universally accepted text of the Scriptures from the time of the apostles.
    Modern versions have been marketed extensively as being easier to read than the archaic, old fashioned K.J.V. Bible. However, there is an undisputed eloquence and beauty in the King James Version. Moreover, the English language was at its zenith in the early 17th century for poetic beauty and eloquence. Wouldn't it fit in that the same God who created such beauty in the world we see around us would also use that same beauty in the words He gave us ?

    Let's not accept the premise that the tried and true Authorized King James is somehow outdated and is to be replaced by dozens of new translations. People have been getting saved by reading it for a long, long time. We know that it contains the Word of life whereby we live and grow.
    Satan knows that in a single generation we won't uniformly quote the scriptures. Imagine ten people with ten different translations trying to recite a psalm together. Confusion. Satan knows that many newborn babes in Christ will not have the real milk that they need in order to grow because they'll have a watered down version of the truth. He figures that if he can't kill the babes, he'll do the next best thing.....stunt their growth. Being able to talk to a child of God and have our spirits commune on the parts of God's word that we've memorized is great. I now find people who are quoting scriptures that I know, but they are worded so differently that I have to ask the reference. This is confusion, and we know who authors confusion, the enemy of our souls, the Devil. I believe that the emergence of these many different " Bible " versions is Satan's most successful attempt to attack God's word. The Bible says that in the last days there's going to be a falling away of the church and I believe that these other versions are helping to usher it along.
    Let's fall in love with the Authorized K.J.V. again and stand on it. Let's get down to business and read the Word and stop spending so much time reading what others have to say about the Word in commentaries, Greek lexicons, study bibles, etc. We want the Holy Ghost to talk to us.

" If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. "


Folks Can Only Pound Away
At God's Word
Just So Long !
With the question, WHY ?

WHY K.J.V.?  WHY K.J.V.?  WHY K.J.V.?  WHY K.J.V.?

Why Trust King James ?

Backing the KJV 1611 as the Word of God in English


  1. God promised to preserve His words ( Psa. 12:6-7; Mat. 24:35 ). There has to be a preserved copy of God's pure words somewhere. If it isn't the K.J.V., then what is it ?
  2. It has no copyright. The text of the K.J.V. may be reproduced by anyone for there is no copyright forbidding it's duplication. This is not true with the modern perversions.
  3. The K.J.V. produces good fruit ( Mat. 7:17-20 ). No modern translation can compare to the K.J.V. when it comes to producing good fruit. For nearly four hundred years, God has used the preaching and teaching of the K.J.V. to bring hundreds of millions to Christ. Laodicean Christians might favor the new versions, but the Holy Spirit doesn't.
  4. The K.J.V. was translated during the Philadelphia church period ( Rev. 3:7-13 ). The modern versions begin to appear rather late on the scene as the lukewarm Laodicean period gets underway ( Rev. 3:14-22 ), but the K.J.V. was produced way back in 1611, just in time for the many great revivals ( 1700-1900 ). The Philadelphia church was the only church that did not receive a rebuke from the Lord Jesus Christ, and it was the only church that " kept " God's word ( Rev. 3:8 ).
  5. The K.J.V. translators were honest in their work. When the translators had to add certain words, largely due to idiom changes, they placed the added words in italics so we'd know the difference. This is not the case with many new translations.
  6. All new translations compare themselves to the K.J.V. Isn't it strange that the new versions never compare themselves to one another ? For some strange reason they all line up against one Book--the A.V. 1611. I wonder why ? Try Matthew 12:26.
  7. The K.J.V. translators believed they were handling the very words of God (I Thess. 2:13 ). Just read the King James Dedicatory and compare it to the prefaces in the modern versions. Immediately, you will see a world of difference in the approach and attitude of the translators. Which group would YOU pick for translating a book ?
  8. The K.J.V. is supported by far more evidence. Of over 5,300 pieces of manuscript evidence, ninety-five percent supports the King James Bible! The changes in the new versions are based on the remaining five percent of manuscripts, most of which are from Alexandria, Egypt. ( There are only two lines of Bibles : the Devil's line from Alexandria, and the Lord's line from Antioch. We'll deal with this later.)
  9. No one has ever proven that the K.J.V. is not God's word. The 1611 should be considered innocent until proven guilty with a significant amount of genuine manuscript evidence.
  10. The K.J.V. exalts the Lord Jesus Christ. The true scriptures should testify of Jesus Christ ( John 5:39 ). There is no book on this planet which exalts Christ higher than the King James Bible. In numerous places the new perversions attack the Deity of Christ, the Blood Atonement, the Resurrection, salvation by grace through faith, and the Second Coming. The true scriptures will TESTIFY of Jesus Christ, not ATTACK Him !

  1. Since you're smart enough to find " mistakes " in the K.J.V., why don't you correct them all and give us a perfect Bible ?
  2. Do you have a perfect Bible ?
  3. Since you do believe " the Bible " is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice, could you please show us where Jesus, Peter, James, Paul, or John ever practiced your terminology ( " the Greek text says...the Hebrew text says....the originals say...a better rendering would be....older manuscripts read...." etc. ) ?
  4. Since you do not profess to have a perfect Bible, why do you refer to it as " God's word " ?
  5. Remembering that the Holy Spirit is the greatest Teacher ( John 16:12-15; I John 2:27 ), who taught you that the King James Bible was not infallible, the Holy Spirit or man ?
  6. Since you do believe in the degeneration of man and in the degeneration of the world system in general, why is it that you believe education has somehow " evolved " and that men are more qualified to translate God's word today than in 1611 ?
  7. There is one true God, yet many false gods. There is one true Church, consisting of true born-again believers in Christ, yet there are many false churches. So why do you think it's so wrong to teach that there is one true Bible, yet many false " bibles " ?
  8. Isn't it true that you believe God inspired His holy words in the " originals, " but has since lost them, since no one has a perfect Bible today ?
  9. Isn't it true that when you use the term " the Greek text " you are being deceitful and lying, since there are MANY Greek TEXTS ( plural ), rather than just one ?
  10. Before the first new perversion was published in 1881 ( the RV ), the King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the world. God blessed these efforts and hundreds of millions were saved. Today, with the many new translations on the market, very few are being saved. The great revivals are over. Who has gained the most from the new versions, God or Satan ?

The King James Bible is supposedly written in an " old and archaic language " that people today have trouble understanding, but please notice how so many of our modern sayings come from between it's covers. Hundreds could be presented, but I'll limit my self to seventy-five :

1. Genesis 4:2-5: can't get blood from a turnip

2. Genesis 7: don't miss the boat

3. Genesis 11:7-9: babbling

4. Genesis 15:5: teller

5. Genesis 43:34: mess ( of food )

6. Exodus 19:16-18: holy smoke

7. Exodus 28:42: britches

8. Exodus 32:8: holy cow

9. Leviticus 2:14: roast ears

10. Leviticus 13:10: the quick ( raw flesh )

11. Leviticus 14:5-6: running water

12. Leviticus 16:8: scapegoat

13. Leviticus 25:10: Liberty Bell

14. Numbers 21:5: light bread

15. Numbers 35:2-5: suburb

16. Deuteronomy 2:14: wasted him

17. Deuteronomy 24:5: cheer up

18. Deuteronomy 32:10: apple of his eye

19. Judges 5:20: star wars

20. Judges 7:5-12: under dog

21. Judges 8:16: teach a lesson

22. Judges 17:10: calling a priest father

23. I Samuel 14:12: I'll show you a thing or two

24. I Samuel 20:40: artillery

25. I Samuel 25:37: petrified

26. II Samuel 19:18: ferry boat

27. I Kings 3:7: don't know if he's coming or going

28. I Kings 14:3: cracklins

29. I Kings 14:6: that's heavy

30. I Kings 21:19-23: she's gone to the dogs

31. II Chronicles 9:6: you haven't heard half of it

32. II Chronicles 30:6: postman

33. Nehemiah 13:11: set them in their place

34. Esther 7:9: he hung himself

35. Job 11:16: It's water under the bridge

36. Job 20:6: he has his head in the clouds

37. Psalm 4:8: lay me down to sleep

38. Psalm 19:3-4: he gave me a line

39. Psalm 37:13: his day is coming

40. Psalm 58:8: pass away ( dying )

41. Psalm 64:3-4: shoot off your mouth

42. Psalm 78:25: angel's food cake

43. Psalm 141:10: give him enough rope and he'll hang himself

44. Proverbs 7:22: dumb as an ox

45. Proverbs 13:24: spare the rod, spoil the child

46. Proverbs 18:6: he is asking for it

47. Proverbs 24:16: can't keep a good man down

48. Proverbs 25:14: full of hot air

49. Proverbs 30:30: king of beasts

50. Ecclesiastes 10:19: money talks

51. Ecclesiastes 10:20: a little bird told me

52. Song Solomon 2:5: lovesick

53. Isaiah 52:8: see eye to eye

54. Jeremiah 23:25: I have a dream (MLK, Jr)

55. Ezekiel 26:9: engines

56. Ezekiel 38:9: desert storm or storm troopers

57. Daniel 3:21: hose ( leg wear )

58. Daniel 8:25: foreign policy

59. Daniel 11:38: the force be with you ( star wars )

60. Hosea 7:8: half-baked

61. Jonah 4:10-11: can't tell left from right

62. Zephaniah 3:8-9: United Nations Assembly

63. Matthew 25:1-10: burning the midnight oil

64. Matthew 25:33: right or left side of an issue

65. Matthew 27:46: for crying out loud

66. Mark 5:13: hog wild

67. Luke 11:46: won't lift a finger to help

68. Luke 15:17: he came to himself

69. Romans 2:23: breaking the law

70. Philippians 3:2: beware of dog

71. Colossians 2:14: they nailed him

72. I John 5:11-13: get a life

73. Revelation 6:8: hell on earth

74. Revelation 16:13: a frog in my throat

75. Revelation 20:15: go jump in the lake

If you've checked these references, then you can easily see how our all-wise God has played a beautiful joke on the modern revisionists. People who do not even believe the K.J.V. quote it every day ! Furthermore, if you'll grab yourself a N.I.V., a N.C.V., a T.E.V., or anything else, you'll find that many of these modern sayings have been destroyed by the " better language " of the Laodiceans.

For example, I always thought that when I was a young boy my father and I crossed the Mississippi on a ferry boat (II Sam. 19:18), but I guess we must have crossed at the ford instead ( N.I.V. ). Then there were times when I got out of line and dad would really set me in my place ( Neh. 13:11 ). Too bad he didn't have a N.I.V., for he could have stationed me at my post. I guess there was nothing dad loved more than going out early on Saturday mornings and catching a mess of fish ( Gen. 43:34 ). It's a good thing we didn't have a N.K.J.V. in those days, for he would have only caught a serving. We usually had hushpuppies with that fish dinner, but sometimes we just had light bread ( Num. 21:5 ). That is, until the neighbors came over with their New American Bible. Then we had wretched food. Then dad would always say, " Cheer up, son, it'll be better next time ! " ( Deut. 24:5 ) Too bad he didn't have a N.K.J.V., for I'm sure he would have said, " Come on, boy, bring happiness to yourself ! "

So you get the point : the new versions don't stand a chance when competing with the K.J.V. to use the most " modern " speech ! Go ahead, have yourself some fun. Learn to appreciate God's sense of humor ! Grab a new translation and see first hand how the modern versions are still stuck in the Dark Ages when it comes to keeping up with modern speech.

If we are to believe what we hear from the critics, then we must accept the notion that the italicized words in the King James Bible do not belong. We are told that the words were added by the translators and are not the words of God. If this is true, then please explain why Luke, Paul, John, Peter, and even the Lord Jesus " QUOTE " them ! The column on the right shows how New Testament writers and speakers " QUOTE " the King James italics of the Old Testament :

I have set the LORD always before me : because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. ( Psalms. 16:8 ) For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved : ( Acts 2:25 )
Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. ( Deut. 25:4 ) For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth out the corn. Doth God take care for oxen ? ( I Corinth. 9:9. Also see I Tim. 5:18 )
And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live. ( Deut. 8:3 ) But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ( Matt. 4:4 )
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. (Psa. 82:6) Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods ? ( John 10:34 )
Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: he that believeth shall not make haste. ( Isa. 28:16 ) Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. ( I Pet. 2:6 )

Did you notice that the New Testament writers " QUOTE " the words in italics ? This means they WERE actually in the originals ! When Jesus said, " It is written..." ( Matt. 4:4 ), he was saying that the word " word " was also written--even if the King James translators didn't have it in the Hebrew Old Testament ! Like it or not, the Holy Spirit led them to use the word anyhow ! If He didn't, then why did Jesus quote it ?

Also, we have the case of WHO killed Goliath ? II Samuel 21:19 in the K.J.V. says : " And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam. " The words " the brother of " are in italics. If these words were omitted, then the Bible would say that Elhanan slew Goliath, instead of his brother, which would contradict the fact that David killed Goliath. ( In fact, this is exactly how the New World Translation reads ! ) If you'll check I Chronicles 20:5, you'll see that the italics of II Samuel 21:19 are well justified. Moral : The English sheds light on the English--WITHOUT " the Greek. "



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