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Getting Started

Either e-mail me at, go to the Gardenia RPG e-group,, and send the following information:

  1. Your real name: I'd like to know your real name. It's not required, but it's nice.
  2. Character's Name: Your character's name.
  3. Your e-mail address: Unless you contact me at a message board, I need your e-mail address, or I won't know how to talk to you.
  4. Your character's sex: This is so I know whether to write "He" or "She" in message postings.
  5. Your character's species and/or race: If you are an animal, what type of animal are you? If you are a human or an elf or something, what race are you? Are you African American? Italian? Native American?
  6. Where did your character come from? What city, state and country does your character come from? Or, alternately, what province, township, country or planet does the character come from?
  7. Your character's Hobbies, interests, talents: I want to know more about your character. It will make the game more fun. If they like crafts, there can be a craft game. If they work on cars, I could put in a car game. If they don't know how to cook, I won't bother asking if you want to play a cooking game.
  8. What is your character's greatest wish or desire? What does your character want to do with their life? Be a hero? Make friends? Paint a picture? Bake a cake? The story is about going after whatever they want most.
  9. What does your character look like? I'd like a description of what they look like. Clothes, hair, skin, fur, eyes, tentacles, whatever.

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