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James Russell Saner II

From "The Unknown Author."

Sometimes good, sometimes incredibly bad or misworded, often overusing the exclamation point, James Russell Saner is a poet, and that's all I can say about him.
Here are some selected versicles from his book which captured my attention by either interesting me, or by making himself sound like an idiot. If you want the whole poem, go buy the book.

-"Free United"5

Through the woods they traveled to the spot-
Bright light hovered in the air.

"The Unknown Life"10
Indian tribes split apart,
Native ways thrown out.
The white man wants to educate them,
But the white man really just wants their land.
So beautiful was their home and so willing to share,
But the white man's green caused them to fight.
Made them look like savages come out of the night.
All the indians wanted to protect was the most important thing known as life.
Why so much hate I often wonder,
Why couldn't we just relate instead of almost eliminate the whole population?
The grandfathers protected them for awhile and warned the indians to stay away from these evil tyrants.
But the tribes decided not to stick together,
Broke the circle and soon wars began.
Indians traded with these men but,
In the end the white man took back their gifts out of the indians' dying hands.
My skin is white
But my soul is red,
I will soon go back to my people.
Nature will guide me as it has before,
Back to the spirits of our fading land.

"Indian Maiden"12
Indian maiden, bring me your song! Native cities long since gone.
Dance to the moon, the nights reminisced,
show me your moves, your delicate kiss.

"The walk of life"15
Walking down the winding road listening to stories untold,
Searching for the heart's desire in a place reflected by a camp's fire,
Circled tents are what appeared,
They were six, maybe seven higher than the rest,
perched, but scattered among the trees in the place the three know best.
Why do you come-to find value?
Or is it something else?
What is your question, your uncertainty?
The dawn has left, the dusk has crept in to share it's darkness from within. (The darkened light.)
Moon gleams on,
Three little birds singing their song perched among the clouds,
It's where they belong.
Different than the rest,
Even God has no protest.
Their journey is clear, the light's been turned on,
Not as focused, just follow along.
The indians will come beating their drums.
War has been declared, it's okay to be scared,
Let your heart take rythm of the drums.
They will protect you from thy enemy's hands and rise you to victory into battle not yet won.
So raise your spear and do what needs to be done.
Faith be the key, and through war cry you will see the ghost dance of the ancient one.

"Conversation with who"17
Maybe later but not now, a teepee for me and a hill to sit upon,
so my vision quest might be done, would do just fine for now and forever.

"The tree"22
The tree,
The tree,
How it seems to be happy,
I sit under that tree with it's fallen leaves all around me.

"Graduation Day"26
Graduation day,
Time to kick back and say thank you, my friend!
You were with me till the end.
Life has opened a door and I will follow your lead
Enter into the unknown world of tommorrow.
For eternity has called my number,
No time for slumber or delay,
Life just fades away.
It's time to catch the bus as it pulls off the curb.
My ticket is already bought,
Don't get choked up.
Staying cool and staying calm as I enter in the chase and catch the bus,
Then I win my race for destiny knows it's place on graduation day.

"American Dream"30
One who shares from his heart.
The giver who keeps on giving who tries till death to help people out.
With a feast of friends long since seen,
Waiting beyond the gates of the golden city.
The books been written and only a few have been chosen to read.
As for me I am one among those who has been chosen.
I have been blessed with a story to tell.
This story is not false or fiction,
But simple truths laid upon the heart.
The goal of mine and a few others is to open the eyes of all the rest.
So they can see the soul God has blessed.

"Winds of Change"33
Sitting in a cardboard box floating on the sea.

"I know a few"43
Arizona deserts,
Indian camp grounds.

"Told once"46
All about life in this hidden land of the indian.

"No ordinary show"50
The drums started beating and the audiance grew silent!
Cup of java sounds pretty taste.

"Lord of the radio!"52
Lord of the radio changes the station.
Gets sick and tired of all the pointless information!
He wants to hear music words to a song,
To sing along while he's driving along.
Nowhere destinations,
Has nowhere to go.
It doesn't matter `cause he is lord of the radio!
He likes to travel;
With the volume up loud.
Can't stand to be interrupted by radio announcers.
If guests are present in the passenger's seat,
He makes his own tune with a magical beat.
All the way through the commercial interruption.
Until the radio roars with poetic justice.
He is the man driving the car.
The lord of the radio,
The ruler of rock!
He is lonely in an empty car.

I am a mouse caught in a maze!

"It's all right"77
What I'm saying is something's looking after you.
Otherwise you wouldn't be here receiving my message.

Trapped is the thought of creativity,
People teach our children to lock it away and walk away from their emotional feelings.

A man didn't understand when he was asked to sell his possession.
No wonder moving is such a hassle,
Everyone is tied down to commitment and possession.
It's mine ok have it.
Naked I came,
Naked I'm going.
My death awaits me,
I await my death.
Humbling moment of kindness.
Chastised-imprisoned searching for the key,
Who has it?
I asked everyone I ran into:
Pardon me,
Do you know the answers?
The answer I found was,
No one had a clue what I was looking for.
My journey,
I suppose-my questions.
I have the answers,
But do I have the courage to share them?
I'm trying.

Some cookies,
Some cookies,
Main courses
The cookies were gone before they were served!

"Sweet delight"90
Four weeks of intrepid love
Kiss the maiden who bears her throat.

"Help me be"94
Or fly to the top of the trees.

"The key that mends"97
Soar like an eagle and touch the sky.
Over the trees and valleys you will fly.,
Down foothills in the snow.
Swim with the whale as your life long friend.

Go to the indians reservation,

A piece pipe to smoke with the elders

"Tired and alone"105
A wife,
A child
Possibly a dog.
It doesn't really matter just as long as it's another.

"Tuesday's rain"106
Like an eagle who soars the skies looking for it's prey.

Share with me your story
I am listening.

"God's confession"110
Your kingdom and riches will be given unto you.
You are the rightful heir to the throne.

the life we live in,
sitcoms and movie channels.
Who needs school when you've got the cable network?
Living out your fantasies out through the stations.
The actors,
The directors,
Billions of dollars collected
Biggest economic outbreak.
Let's do it!
Let's fly!
I think Star Wars is on channel 9!
Who's got the controller?
He pushed the wrong button
Oops, electrical shutdown all across the nation!
Read any good books lately?
Didn't think so.
Here's one. It's called the bible!
But no, you decided to check the cable.
He will be here in twenty minutes.
You have time to cook the TV dinners,
Then get situated in your TV watching position.

"Observant being"124
The drive,
Slow ongoing scenery passing through the passenger's window.
The rockies,
Pikes Peak just out of reach,
The rich pretend it's theirs!

Space time continuum!

"True story"139
I am born free-native american.

I am the rat
In somebody's experiment,
I am tested for I.Q.,
Poisoned to see how much I can stand.
More than physically abused.
I am the rat
In the scientist's maze.
I can find my way when cheese is displayed.
They move the walls to throw me off, but
The cheese is what counts,
My only objective accomplished!
I am the rat
I escaped from my prison,
They made me a genious with one simple problem-freedom!
I figured it out, now it's time for the rats' revolution,
Specimens set up their own experiment!

"I see" 146
I see a man walking in the forest.
The native tribal leader.