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Gardenia: The Furry Roleplaying Game - Story 2(Enn Roocat)

     The Pawson 820 chugged across Gardenia's Rudoria N-Bridge, carrying a load of coal, supplies and a series of passenger cars out of another universe. The passenger cars were designed in a rustic, 1800's type of style, but with modern additions like drink tables, computer gadgets and airplane-like overhead storage compartments. Out either window, one could see the ocean.
     Car #10 was silent except for the low rattle of the wheels across the metal track. The seats were mostly vacant. A hippopotamus sat in a seat near the front, staring out the window. In the back row sat a `roocat,' a thing like a kangaroo with a house cat's head. It blinked at its surroundings, trying to figure out where it was. After thinking a minute, it remembered that it had a relative in a place called Gardenia, and was taking a train to go see him. The roocat shifted in its seat, tapping the armrest.
     A door at the end of the train slid open. A tiny green Scottish terrier, dressed in a Greatest American Hero shirt stepped into the car. The dog scampered over to a chair facing the roocat, scrabbling against the armrest and cushion until it became properly seated. He smiled at the roocat. "Hello. I'm Goomba. What's your name?"
     "You can call me Enn."
     "Enn? HA HA HA! What a funny name!" Seeing the slightly displeased expression on Enn's face, he added, "Um, I...actually have a good friend named Enn. A very nice name. Very nice indeed. So...`Enn...' I'm going to Gardenia to do some sightseeing. How about you?"
     The roocat did not reply.
     "Quite a talkative type, aren't you?" Goomba laughed. "Well, no matter. Gardenia is a fun place to be. A quiet, laid back place full of interesting animals and fun things to do." He leaned forward, whispering. "And nothing too complicated, I may add. Nothing worse than reading a five thousand page manual just to figure out how to play a game, right?" He sat back. "Well, anyways, I'm going to the Consumer Furry Electronics Show. I bet you're just going to go visit a cousin or something, aren't you?"

If you want to add to the story, or start your own, Please e-mail the Game Master at with your questions.

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