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Gardenia: The Furry Roleplaying Game - Story 3(Silver)

     A white jumbo jet with the number 474 on its side flew about a thousand miles above a calm, tranquil looking ocean. Here and there, an occassional cloud or a seagull would drift by the window. The plane only had a handful of passengers in it. There was an abundance of empty seats. Rabbits and hens in business suits could be seen up in first class, enjoying themselves. Near the front of the coach compartment, in the middle row, was a group of bears in football outfits. They were pretty noisy in their conversations and laughter. Across the aisle from them was a red bird in a suit. Behind her was a male cheetah in dungarees. A fat blue dog sat in the middle row behind the football players, toying with a computer. The row on the opposite side of the plane contained a penguin in a white tank top. The penguin's hair was rather messy looking, and spiked up in places.
     A black wolf sat one seat across from the penguin. He had a scar across his right eye, and wasn't wearing any clothing. But that was okay, since his body was covered in fur.
     The penguin turned and looked at him. "Hello. My name is Sticky. What's yours?"
     "I'm Silver."
     "HA HA HA!" Little bubbles popped up in the air around the penguin's head. "But you're all extra dark and black!"
     Silver didn't share the penguin's mirth.
     Sticky winced. Sweat began to pour from the sides of his head. "Of course, it's a great name! I would have picked it myself! In fact, I once had a brother with that same name!"
     Silver chuckled.
     "So, um...this is the plane going to Gardenia. Is there any particular reason why you wanted to come here? Or are you just sightseeing?"

The person who submitted me this character sent me a bad e-mail address. If he wants the story to continue, he will have to send me a better e-mail address.

If you want to add to the story, or start your own, Please e-mail the Game Master at with your questions.

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