"You're There"
- (VERSE 1) It ca be hard to find the love sometimes
- but I know that it's always there.
- You do so much for me you know
- and I thank you more than I could ever show!
- (REFRAIN) You taught me all the things I know
- the example you would always show
- If you're not welcomed in some place
- You're always welcome in my heart
- Cause oh I love you so!
- (VERSE 2) When you are gone to everyone
- with me you'll always be.
- You're in my heart reminding me
- Give your all and you'll be number one!(to refrain)
- (VERSE 3) You always tried so very hard
- not always to succeed
- To me you were the champion
- In my heart you always won!
- (slowly) because no matter win or loose
- You're always number one
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