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The Baby's Eyes
(A Meditation)

By Rella W. Hawkins

Love Your Neighbor As YourSelf

We met with Joseph this evening for our guided meditation which was to be a candle illumination event!

Joseph lit the lead candle before lighting the one on either side. We each lit our own individual candle from our neighboring friend until all candles were lighted. Energy from the candles provided the power for our spiritual journeying. We gazed into that glowing flame until it was imprinted upon our eyes. We were to give credence to our thoughts as this was unfolding... being aware of these thoughts and the colors that glistened forth in our minds.

The colors that pushed up in my mind were like a sparkler from the Fourth of July! except as the colors/sparklers issued from the candle they appeared to stay in a steady stream instead of individual little constant and short lived sparkles of light. Each little steady stream of light was a different brilliant color and appeared to be very magnetic in action. The streams tended to spread out to each individual in the room drawing us much closer together in a very powerful and deeply loving manner.

The thoughts that were going through my mind during this time were of Universal Love and how I was to be somewhat responsible for attaining this feat. I then distinctly heard, "That is too big for you, rell...see something more your size!"

I wanted to argue, "But I thought of this...if I thought of it, it is surely very important."

"Not so!" as the Voice came through loud and clear, "Go for something that you as an individual can attain."

I did feel relieved that I would not be the one to become responsible for Universal Love...

Then this Command came through clearer still, "Love your neighbor as yourSelf!" I then knew that was where the power for my thoughts would invest their energy in this evening's meditation.

With the power and vision we now had available to us we were to journey to a hillside cave about 2000 years back into history...where a baby had been delivered to a young loving mother and a very patient and excited loving father. There were many people gathered around this special birthing.

We were awe struck as we peered into the eyes of the newborn Infant. I was filled with a feeling of love that was powerful indeed! Much like the powerful magnetism imbued by the candle power or perhaps more like the power at the Hoover Dam!

The power of the love that came when gazing into the Infant's eyes was spread to every one of us on the journey. It was as though the eyes of the Infant was able to be the central focus. The dynamo for that power was likened to our candles. The steady stream of Light generating from that candle had connected each one of us on the journey as did the power of the love issuing from the Baby's eyes connected us together at the cave side.

The Command, "Love your neighbor as yourSelf." had been made possible for me while gazing into the loving magnetic eyes of Jesus. We have continued to celebrate the birth of Jesus for over 2000 years and we continue to Love our neighbor as our self.

***in peace and love...rell

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