Because of them:
Look with your loving eyes on
The one who has betrayed you
He carries Christ within
That you may behold His glory
And rejoice that Heaven
Is not separate from you.
Because of them:
Ask yourself to trust the one
Who carries Christ to you
That you may be forgiven
The shadows and the sadness
And left without
A single shadow or sadness
To cherish still.
Because of them:
Remember that the shadow and sadness
Held between your past hurt and yourself
Hides you from the face of Christ
And your memory of God!
Because of them:
The ground whereon you stand is Holy ground...
Because of "them" who now stands there with you.
Because of them:
The blood of hatred fades
To let the grass grow green again.
To let the flowers be all white again
To sparkle in the summer sun forever.
Because of them:
What was your part in hate and hurt
Has just become your temple
In your whole new World
Of Light and Love and Life!
Because of them:
Forgiveness has lifted Holiness again
To take its place in your living temple.
Because of them:
Miracles spring up
As flowers and grass...
And forgiveness enters into
Your loving hearts.
Now you stand on ground so Holy
Heaven leans forward to join with you.
Because of them:
The shadow of the ancient hate is gone.
Peace and joy and love abide
In you now and forever.
The Holiest of all spots on Earth
Is where an ancient hatred
Becomes a present Love.
There is no place in Heaven Holier.
Because of them:
What hatred has released to Love
Becomes the brightest Light
In Heavens' radiance!
Because of them:
All the lights in Heaven grow brighter
In gratitude for what you have restored.
Angels lovingly hover around you
To keep away all darkened thought
And keep the Light where it has entered in.
Because of them:
Your footprints lighten up the World
For where you walk
Forgiveness goes with you.
Because of them:
Where stood a cross
Now stands the risen Christ in you.
As ancient scares are healed
Within His sight,
An ancient miracle has come to bless.