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A story about rell and the monkeys...

I would like to say something about three very important books and two writers. I will be referring to Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Illusions, by Richard Bach and Victor Frankl's book "Man's Search For Freedom."

Thanks to both of you! Both books were bibles to me before I ever read any part of the Bible, and then along came A COURSE IN MIRACLES and that was much more understandable to me... I was involved in a 7 ½ court scene...just to get a divorce. Many a day I'd go into that legal arena with this following thought of FREEDOM at the turnstyle of my mind!...

"Each of us is in truth an idea of the Great Gull, an unlimited idea of freedom. Everything that limits us we have to put aside." (from Jonathan Livingston Seagull)

There was no 7 1/2 year court scene about to limit me! I'd show up at their fun and games day upon demand, and keep above quote in mind. No one, and nothing in that legal arena was going to keep me from this beautiful FREEDOM! On one such of many days, I went in...on demand...and then was told "Court date postponed"...I often went to the zoo and talked to the day we recorded this conversation. (Use your imagination a bit on the recording.)


by: Rella W. Hawkins (10/9/1970)

Monkey: Good morning. What is your name?
Lady: Lady.
Monkey: Did you come to play with me?
Lady: I came to cry and to talk.
Monkey: I can listen, but I can not cry or talk. I'd rather play.
Lady: I may be back tp play with you soon, would you like to listen?
Monkey: I don't understand humans very well.
Lady: I understand monkeys.
Monkey: You do?
Lady: Yes.
Monkey: Where did you learn monkey making?
Lady: I am serving time in the judiciary jungle.
Monkey: Lady, you are probably very learne'd if that is your tree.
..........How much of your life has been up a tree?
Lady: Along part of my life.
Monkey: Can you swing?
Lady: Yes, I'm a swinger – from limb to limb.
Monkey: Can you do anything besides swing from limb to limb?
Lady: Not many things.
Monkey: What do you like to do?
Lady: I like to dance and drink and laugh and sing and smile.
Monkey: Are you trying to amuse me?
Lady: No, I came here this morning to cry and to talk. Does that amuse you?
Monkey: I feel human when you tell me how you feel.
Lady: I feel monkey whin I'm dingleing in my judicial tree.
..........I am dangled around from day to day without a human feeling.
..........The legal arena has been good at dehumanizing me.
..........I am sure that they can do equally as well in demonkeynizing me.
..........I will then neither feel monkey nor human.
Monkey: Can you do anything about it?
Lady: Yes, I can cut off my tail to smite my face.

***in peace and love...rell

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