(11/18/99…my 72nd Birthday Celebration!)
This morning
There is no breeze
The sun does cast its shiny glistenings across
Like me
To dust they go
Time out:
This morning view
***in peace and love…rell
Nor leaves
Just stillness.
The tops of some of the trees
Like it is paying its debt in gold
There is no breeze to sway
Those bare limbs
Whose leaves just fell off
Lying there looking up
At their last home.
Yet, playing leap frog still
'Til they begin to cling
So tightly to each other
Then fly no more
Choosing dust or
Was it just their reward?
Is always offering me
A new resume in reverence
And when at last I have enough
Reassurance of God's Love
I can resume my own day
My play at leapfrog
Seeking out whom I will cling to
This would be called "love"
Or sharing the human soul
And as easily as those leaves
Leave their limbs
So peacefully.