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By Rella W. Hawkins

On this particular quiet time for our meditation I was once again approached by the beautiful fairy Godlike creature who said to spiritme, "Please follow all of my instructions: Close your eyes. See your body filled with a beautiful color." I did. I filled my body with a beautiful gold and the brightest of all of the yellow colors upon a palette. The creature then said that I would be given a beautiful female Guide and that this Guide would encompass both of us in that brilliant shade of yellow light.
The Guide was truly lovely and I could intuitively know that she was wholly love. She announced that she had been assigned to take me to many places, out of body, where I had already been in physical body. She was to center this visit upon nature's way of dealing with life: from a freshly planted the maturest of growth; she would be there to point out the beautiful part of me that she wished me to see and to Accept.
She wanted me to visit within that part of me that I had seeded, incubated, birthed, nurtured, fed, developed, cultivated, pruned, matured, harvested, and etc., but...was still not quite ready to Accept. She further called to my attention that Acceptance was one of the seeds that I had chosen to incubate this year for my own personal fulfillment and enlightenment.
Our first visit found us in the middle of a tulip field in Holland. This beautiful Guide told me her name was "Glorious." She said to me that we could remain right there in the tulip field, or if I so chose, we could look inside of spiritme and look at one of the first seeds that I had become aware of that had been sown within... the seed of Integrity.
Glorious told spiritme how this seed was planted in each one of us that it would lie at different stages of dormancy until we wanted to see it budded out to full blossoms and maturity. She wanted spiritme to look at what had been nurtured for several years and to get a real grasp on what had been done, to not discount the Integrity that had fully blossomed within me, and if I was unable to look at this real good that we could go back to the tulip fields. I assured her, that indeed, had my spiritme done all this cultivating of Integrity that I wanted to cherish it to relish in it awhile.
Glorious was of purest love and support to want to remain there with me as I took it all in. The smell of the tulips and the color was of the most brilliant cadmium reds as I opened my mind to her reassurance.
Glorious suggested, "While we are in Holland, let us visit some diamond shops and see some finished diamonds, and to enjoy the many facets that you have added to your life, as we again go with in." She continued to reassure me that if I didn't want to go within we could look and observe how diamonds in the shops came into being. I wished to go within and to take in as many facets of my spiritlife as possible as I had never remembered feeling this accepted anywhere before in any life. Glorious's eyes were so deeply penetrating, so understanding, I knew that she unconditionally Accepted every aspect of my beingness.
The next place we found ourSelves was high upon one of those Universal magnetic points on a mountain in Arizona in the brilliant blue of the moonlight. The contrast of the moonlight and the dazzling light that enveloped Glorious and I was another beauty to behold! The desert flowers shown in the moonlit brilliance and their smell was magnificent. Glorious asked again, "Do you want to stay here or go within and see how you have harvested the seed that was always within you known as Dignity?"
I said to Glorious, "If indeed, I have harvested this seed, I do want to look at this harvest. I need to Accept this Dignity and be on with it."
Glorious and I raced around the mountains in the moonlight and raced around the harvest of Dignity until we could feel the Acceptance oozing in every pore as gentle and as delicate as the being, Glorious appeared to be.
We visited where gold could be mined in Peru. While there I chose to go within to see how Adventure had developed and expanded my life. We found ourSelves upon Machu Picchu once again, amid the mystery of the ruins, examining the monumental boulders, and how they were formed from the smallest granules of sand when time began. And I did I wish to remain in wonder!?
Again when asked, I chose to go within and examine where I began, and to travel the time line that developed rellame from an Idea of God's that had never left it's Source, to this present place of my Accept my own Spaces of Lovingness?
It was as easy to switch back to my own Loving Spaces in reverie with Glorious there beside it was to climb Machu Picchu setting there in the switchback train. And with Acceptance, we retraced those tracks in which I blossomed of my Loving Spaces; to be able to give and to receive love from this Adventurous Universe...and I wanted to Accept.
We went up the Rhine River and as we approached the Lorelei which is quite a sight to stand and behold in beauty! As well as the acres upon acres of grapes for wine growing upon the stilted vines anchored onto the 45 degree angle of the banks. Glorious questioned spiritme, "Do you want to see how all of this that nature made is seeded, tilled, made into wine, or do you want to go within and look at what you have done with the seed that was always there called Honesty?" I went within.
We found ourSelves on a small Caribbean Island. As we romped on the sandy beaches and picked up sea flowers and sea shells and listened to the ocean sounds and reviewed the wonders of Freedom and the unlimitedness within, Glorious asked again, "Did I want to run and play on the beach or go within and feel the Freedom of my mind and Accept how I have indeed lifted many limitations as well as many more that are still to go?"
I wanted to explore and to Accept my unlimitedness with the watchful Acceptance of Glorious beside this me as spirit; to soar as the Seagulls soar; to conquer space and time; to take in the beauty, the stillness the silence; to know the Peace and Joy of this world; to travel time; and to know the timelessness of this spiritual me.
Glorious gently led me by my hands into the Japanese Rose Garden. Such beholden beauty! Each tiny rose being gently nurtured from bud to a faded rose and yes! each one a reverent sight to see to sigh and to know that Heaven is right here right now for me. Or am I there? I often ask?
The smell of roses... just the perrrfect seductive temptation to tug spiritme onward! To tug spiritme inward! To tug rellame to know it is O. K. to look and smell within. Glorious's eyes penetrated past this soul. Peering into these eyes as though the lids were removed and she was to know my innermost profoundest thoughts. She said it was O. K. to have these thoughts and to linger longer if we wished with the roses; that I had Accepted my fully blossomed and ripened seed of Nurturance.
Glorious looked deeper yet into this soul and said that she had always been there as this Nurturance was completed; she was even there with me when I became aware of my Conception; she was there as I received my Nourishment from that sweet amniotic brew; she was there to feel my own wantedness within rellame; and then be Nourished as a babe at my mother's breasts: That she had never left me. I was beginning to become fully aware of her long clinging Symbiotic Presence.
Glorious said that this trip would be coming to and end and did I want to explore the beautiful poppy fields in France or go within and look at Prosperity?
I told her that I would like to go to the poppy fields as I was not comfortable with Prosperity. She said, "I respect your Honesty. Let us go on to Gay Parie."
On the way to the poppy fields, we stopped by the sea. The sun was shimmering on the rippling water, flickering a golden triangle in perspective, it seemed just for me. The next morning, as we awoke, the stately pines were topped out in orange golden hues as the sun glinted through. Then the evening the sun would set across the lake burnishing it with golden topaz and turquoise. The freezing rain left branches of sparkling diamonds faceted to trees waiting for spring. I said to Glorious, "This is the kind of Prosperity that I can have in any change of seasons. This is all I need.
"This is Acceptance," she said, "Let us gather a bouquet of poppies and return to your body." And I did... smiling at these beautiful delicate creations which are known as the symbol of Acceptance.
in peace and love...rell

March, 1988

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