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Out of Body Travels
Rella W. Hawkins

Tonight, during this opening meditation, my mind could feel the sounds that was blowing into the woodwind instrument. It seemed much more propelling than a flute. More like some very large wooden pipe. It was on this sound that I wanted to travel tonight. I was puffed out into the universe...out into astral space. I always meet my guide as I pick up momentum. The sounds carried us far far away. The melody swept up higher and higher. We felt so light as Spirits. We decided to dance, first we waltzed, then jitterbugged from my day, lined dance from present time. Jesus did some fancy footwork... even though we had no feet in spirit. The dancing made us very thirsty. We looked about and there was a table covered with a lace cloth and a beautiful crystal pitcher full of ice water. We were refreshed with the thought, as we have no mouths in spirit with which to drink.

It always amazes me when I am out in spirit how much fun I can have. It reminds me of when I was a child. Perhaps that is part of the out of body experience, pure innocence. We played with improvising with the music, and then went into a cave which was lined with red bows.

The red bows reminded me of poppies, and we then went to Holland to their famous gardens where their poppies are huge and their fragrance delights the celestial nose. The music called to our minds the times we participated in the heavenly choirs and sang our solos that echoed throughout the Universe.

If we'd had ears in spirit, they would have been in much pain. We remembered so many things while we were out. Like feeling all the love we encountered in human form. The Light that shone so bright as we recognized ourselves in others. Like remembering the blessings bestowed upon us as the breeze blew over us. The gratefulness for all the love we mingled among for many moons gone by. We were the freedom. We were the Light. We were the Joy. We had it all! Then the music ceased that celestial cadence. We felt a jerk like tug and then, here I am...back in this body...ready to learn more about God and Love while still in human form.

***in peace and love...rell (4/11/98)

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