Oh! My vain imaginings…
And are they really vain?
I continue to imagine
God's open door to me…
I can enter in.
I keep imagining
All the treasures
In God's warehouse
All the communications...
Those are of true spirit.
Where in spirit
We can only say
What we mean
Where honesty and truth prevail
Where there are
No other choices
But God's Will.
And that's enough.
I keep imagining
Every encounter a Holy Encounter.
Every "now" a Holy Instant.
That this eternity is infinity!
I vainly keep imagining
Only love!
Only joy!
That I can endure
These vain imaginings
As gloriously
As though I were there now!
Oh! And then!
One Holy Instant!
I leave this body: Henceforth!
All my imaginings
Were not vain!
I'd been here all the time.
***in peace and love…rell