There's been a twist,
In the mist,
Of this here bliss.
Last night,
Round about 11pm or was it simply midnight,
I called my baby,
She had been wanting to tell me something special,
All day,
And all night.
She simply wanted to wait,
She wanted the first time to be a special date
But I thought we had both agree it was too late,
So I really didn't think about it anymore,
But it was a deep emotion that she could not hide,
I thought we had agree on something when our last words were goodnight,
I was wrong,
Now I'm feeling a sad song is coming on.
She doesn't want to speak to me later on,
Not even tonight,
She said tommorrow
This here looks like our first fight,
I was tried I told her the truth,
But I didn't tell her,
I thought the agreement had been made,
I wish I did,
Then I would be happy today,
I hope this letter will make her realize,
I'm here for her today,
It started about three months ago,
She spoke,
The words were so overwelming,
That I look at them everytime I need a little push,
They were powerful and this is what it said:
I am intrigued with such talent......FOCUS is the key word here.I admire the man that holds his.It brings stability to the race that cries silently.......I hope, one day to breathe the very breath of your gift of healing. With words, though spoken, sung, written or even thought, it does heal and you hold the precious treasure we as one long for. Increasing the power to spread out the knowledge of tremendous love we all see in time......I am with you all the way.....Stay FOCUS still.
These words broke me
Into small tiny pieces
A broke man
Who was interested in the woman who can write such words
Talking on a daily basics
That feeling lead me to say to her:
Many don't understand the differences
BetweenHaving Sex and Making Love
But me andMy Angel
We do.
Niyoki Warren
Is your name,
We areDistant Lovers
For now.
Even though we are far,
It may seem.
We are so very close.
Could This Be A Dream?
That we both have?
I doubt it very much,
As long as the Lord is our guide,
As long as ours feelings,
We don't hide.
Do You See What I See?
I'm afraid many do not understand,
Really can't comprehend
But I don't care,
Let them found their own,
As long as we do.
Everyone else can see
Do what they want to do,
Are you with me?
Are You There?
It'sYou And Me,
In this tale of love and passion.
Stuck On Stupid,
Heads over heels,
Two peas in pot.
It's You,
That I want,
It's you that I need.
Face Of An Angel,
A heart of gold.
It's you that I long to hold.
As My Wife
I will cherish,
I will honor,
I will respect.
So my dear sweet Niyoki
If you want to wait it's as simple as...
Okey Dokey
Copr.2000 By Larry "Ajani" Bolin
Published by Sabaoth Enterprise
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