The following are the daily letters I sent to family and friends in regards to how Samuel was doing in the hospital. My husbands Aunt Emma was kind enough to save these for me, and they are now part of my Journal.
From: Mom2ZCC@Aol.Com
Date: Thursday Jan 28, 1999 1:36am
Subject: Tomorrows the big day
Tomorrow is when Sammy goes in for his procedure, I will have someone e-mail you all from my account and let you know how it went, he will probally be in over night from what the doc said. So all my cyber friends i'll be back to cybering this weekend. Connie
Date: Thursday Jan 29, 1999 7:34pm
Subject: Sammy's health...
Hi, this is Candi..Connie's friend she called to me to email everyone about Sammy. He pulled through surgery fine, he is doing good right at this point, he is now resting.. the Doc said they will be able to come home in a few days... If I get anymore info I'll pass it along.... Email me if you have any questions...
Date: Friday Jan 29, 1999 6:11pm
Subject: Hi everyone we are home (Connie & Sammy
Thought I would drop a line telling everyone that we are home and so far so good. The doctors at Children's did the procedure yesterday morning and it was done about 2 hours later. Sammy did really well and they were very pleased. The doctor said they will be watching over the next couple of months to make sure nothing goes wrong and all there really waiting for now is for him to grow. Thank you all for the prayers and best wishes you sent our way, but I must be going, I am dead tired, them doctors and nurses done went and
messed up his sleeping schedule, now why do they gotta go and do that to parents I think it is some kind of conspiracy against parents from doctors (take no offense Dr Mahnke) well see you all later, thanks again for caring during these last few months of Sammy's life. Connie & Charles and baby Sammy
Date: Wed Mar 10, 1999 3:16pm
Subject: About Sammy
I am writing you all to let you know things with Sammy arent all that great right now. I spoke with his cardiologist today, and he called children's hospital, they are going to try and get him in for the angio in the next week, they might also go ahead with the valve replacement, if they need to. He was having some
trouble breathing this morning, then they gave him his Lasix and he seemed to get better.
How ever do to the fact that a cold or anything can be fatal to him, we are asking that no one come to visit him until he gets this taken care of, they have tested for RSV (respiratory stress virus) that was negative and now they are testing for a bunch of other things. So please keep us in your prayers and good wishes.
Connie Fields
PS: Dr Mahnke, I left word at the front desk seeing if I could get my older ones in to see you today to see what they might have and wether or not they have passed it on to Sammy, so if you could call me at the hospital I would appreciate it. Connie Fields
Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lord my soul to keep
If the dawn shall arise befor I wake
I pray the lord my soul to take
From: Connie Fields
Date: Fri Mar 12, 1999 8:27pm
Subject: about sammy
Hello All and Greetings from Children's Hospital.
Hi this is Connie, Sammy's mom I am writing you all to let you know that they decided to cancel Sam's surgery because he has a fever and they dont know what the fever is from. So they will wait it out threw the weekend and the try and schedule for Monday morning. Those wishing to get a hold of us can reach us at this email address or call 206-526-2022 and ask for Charles Fields room, well gotta go. Love Connie and family
From: Connie Fields
Date: Mon Mar 15, 1999 7:10pm
Subject: Sammy's in surgery
Thought I would let everyone know that Sammy is in surgery now, it is Monday afternoon, he should be out in a couple of hours, I will send another e-mail out when he gets done, Talk with you all later, Love, the
Fields Family Connie, Charles, Zachery,Christian
Charles Jr (Sammy)
From: Connie Fields
Date: Mon Mar 15, 1999 11:10pm
Subject: Sammy's OUT of surgery
I thought, I would let you all know Samuel, is out of surgery now, he got out around 2:30 and is doing fine, he will be in the PICU for the night and they had to give him a little blood, because he was low.
They said the surgery was a success, tho there is a little leaking from the valve, the doctors don't seem to worried about it at this time. They are going to watch him carefully and wait and see what happens.
Thank you all for your prayers and wishes, just a little more and then maybe we will be a normal family again, but then again normal is boring, so I don't know. Love Connie, Charles, Zachery, Christian
Charles Jr (Samuel)
From: Connie Fields
Date: Wed Apr 7, 1999 6:32pm
Subject: Greetings from Samuel at Childrens Hospital
Hello, all, thought I would touch bases with everyone on how Samuel is doing, as most of you already know he was admitted into the hospital a few days before easter. Well we are at Childrens in Seattle now.
They ran some test yesterday to see why he was having troubles breathing so much, they found that he has been asperating his formula into his lungs when he swallows and he has some reflux. They have put
him on a feeding tube which he will come home on hopefully very shortly.
They have added him back on the Digoxin for his heart and Zantac for something else. They are talking of releasing him once he gains a little weight and his respiratory rate drops to where they are comfortable with it. He is tolorating the tube feeding well, hasnt
tried to pull the tube out of his nose thus far. He must be doing better because they let us take him out of his room for the first time today. We went on a walk up stairs to eat and then to the library so I
could type you all this email message. Well there is a doctor standing be hind me that needs to use this computer so I will update you all more in a day or two.
Connie and Samuel Fields
And God hath given me
"Gods Choosen one, Samuel"
Then God asked of me
to give my child unto him
The tears came, the skies opened,
and into my
Fathers arms, my child flew home
to enternal grace.
From: Connie Fields
Date: Thu Apr 8, 1999 4:57pm
Subject: We got more news yesterday
Greeting From Samuel Fields at Childrens Hospital, we this is mommy actually. I thought I would let all of you know that the doctors are talking about putting a G Tube or J Tube in Sammy. We will know more about it on Friday when his Cardiologist at Madigan gets back from where ever he has been. They said this kind of tube would be easier to feed him from and I wouldnt have to worry about him ripping it out of his nose like the one he currently has in. We've asked them if Madigan can do what they are doing to please transfer him because we cannot financally afford it, we wont know on a transfer untill well into next week.
Right now they are only waiting for him to gain weight and there is no reason Madigan cant do the same thing. Well I must get going hope every has a wonderful day and I will send out another message tomorrow sometime, probally after we find out about the G or J Tube ok. Love always the Fields Clan
From: Connie Fields
Date: Fri Apr 9, 1999 4:15pm
Subject: Greetings From Connie & Samuel at Children's In Seattle
Hi, I thought I would drop a line and let everyone
know how we are doing, well I am about to pull my hair
our if that tells you anything. I am so tired of not
getting the right answers, one minute they are telling
me that he will be going on the J tube, and then the
next they are telling me that they want to keep him
here until he reaches weight so that they can do the
surgery. And last night the doctor basically told us
if he went home he would die. This is all so confusing. He is such a little trooper tho, no matter
what they do to his little body, he always has a grin,
I sometime feel sorry for him, as they are poking him
he looks up with these little puppy eyes and smiles,
talk about make the nurses go wild. Eveyone wants to
be his nurse because he is such a good little baby.
Well I should be getting back up stairs, I will send
another email out later today, after I have spoken
with the doctors, as they are going to have a big
conference to day to decide what to do with him.
Connie and Samuel Fields
From: Connie Fields
Date: Fri Apr 9, 1999 9:24pm
Subject: Greeting's From Connie and Sam at Childrens
Wanted to say sorry to all of those who are awaiting
info on Sam, but we probally wont have any info until
this evening. And I wont have access to the internet
until Monday morning, so I will let everyone know then
what the doctors had to say ok.
Dr Mahnke, I know you are getting this along with
everyone else, could you please email us and let us
know if Dr Puntel is going to be at this meeting, we
were curious about that and no one up here knows,
To the rest of you, I will let you know when I know
ok, have a good weekend all of you and God Bless.
Charles, Connie Zachery, CJ, Samuel
From: Connie Fields
Date: Mon Apr 12, 1999 8:46pm
Subject: Greeting from Childrens
( this sure is getting old
Hi all Gee what is this our 2nd week in the hospital, this is not fun, the nurses are getting on my nerves, they've got my poor husband annoyed oh well life will go on. We haven't heard or seen any one in the white coats today, I have been told these are doctors but I am not sure anymore. I am beginning to think they are little green men. Last I heard on Friday, that they were waiting for two doc's to come in from out of town, (gee how could they go on vacation) anyways, I haven't heard anything about it today. I think if I was to ask another nurse they would probally kick me out of this place or send me to the psych ward. So as soon as they let me know, I will let you know. There is a doctor that I sent this email to and you know whom you are if you have heard anything please inform me, and everyone have a great and glorious day, I am going back up stairs to go to sleepy land. Connie and Samuel Childrens Hospital Prision!!!!!!
Children are a heritage from the lord
Keep them well and love them with all your might
From: Connie Fields
Date: Mon Apr 12, 1999 10:55pm
Subject: Greetings again
No new news is good news I guess, we still havent
heard anything really. Tho one doc said they are considering a J tube. What ever that is. Connie see you tomorrow.
From: Connie Fields
Date: Tue Apr 13, 1999 6:28pm
Subject: Greeting's From Samuel & Mom
4-?-99 I am not sure what date it is, I cant find the date on this computer. Well anyways, Samuel didnt have a good night, well actually it was the doctors making him not have a good night. Around 2:00 he started dropping in heart rate, and well they got kinda worried. They did a blood draw and some other stuff to him, but the blood draw was the most important. They were checking to see if maybe he has a virus in his heart, well I got the results this morning and the answer is NO. I still havent heard from the doctors on there little meeting, so when I do I will let you know so for now we all have to sit in the dark sorry. Well I ll talk more later I need to go up and see if he is back from his Cat Scan, and dont ask why because I only wish I knew they didnt tell me, well they might have, I was kinda blurry when they came in this morning and well they all look alike anyways. They might decide to start feeds today poor kids has been off for about four or five days now, he keeps yanking that tube out his little nose, hince he dont like it and he slowly moves his hand up like he is going to rub his eyes, and then these little fingers wrap around it and YANK its gone. Ya think thay would learn after like the 3rd time, but nope he is bound and determined not to have that or or the O2 tube in his nose. Bye bye Connie and Sam
From: Connie Fields
Date: Tue Apr 13, 1999 10:27pm
Subject: Finally a small prayer answered
As some of you know we have been trying to find
someone that has a child with this SHONES complex
thing. I have searched the internet night after
night, and sat in this hospitals library trying to get
information out of books that doesnt even exist.
Well yesterday I sign up for a on line support group
for parents of children with heart problems, and I
asked if any one had or new of someone who has a child
with this complex and I got an answer back today.
Just wanted to let everyone know.
From: Connie Fields
Date: Wed Apr 14, 1999 8:50pm
Subject: Greeting;s From Connie & Samuel
Hello to all, for starters I would like to say a
congratulations to Cpt. & Ginger O'Rourke on the
birth of there new baby boy (Ginger: you ll have to
email me the details).
Now on to Samuel, I spoke with to of the doctors this
morning, Dr Haffer and some medical student. Dr
Haffer said that they were going to do a 24 hour GI
study, where they put this tube thing down his throat
and watch for reflux. At this point they are not sure
how bad his reflux is and this test should help them
determine that. She also said that this will help in
deciding which kind of feeding tube they will use for
him. They are condsidering a ND or J tube at this
point. I will email everyone tomorrow as always and
let you know what they said about the study.
I spoke with his ACTUAL ped's doc last night and he is
just as confussed as the rest of us, I guess he is
trying to get them to get a PLAN in action. (Thanx DR.
Mahnke). I will hopefully see his Cardiologist today
sometime, I am not sure when tho. So I might email
everyone later also, if I find anything else out.
Well I am going to go eat lunch, yum yum yuck, I dont
see how doctors live on this stuff, its way to
expensive and taste like card boar. oh well.
Connie & Samuel
You were the keeper of my heart,
in my heart you ll forever remain
till the end of this life time
remember I ll love you forever
From: Connie Fields
Date: Thu Apr 15, 1999 6:26pm
Subject: Greetin's From C & S, also a note to Shones mommies
You know in life you wonder can things get worse than
they already are. Last night around 11:00pm, I was
heading out the Madigan gate, and I see these pretty
little red and blue lights ( mind you I have never
been pulled over before) So being a good girl, I
pulled over to the side of the road, he walks up taps
my window( you all know the scenario, so I ll get on
with it) anyways I had a head light and a parking
light out and he was kind enough to let me go, after I
started bawling like a little baby and explaining that
I was headed to Seattle because I had a baby in the
hospital up there. So the moral of the story is, I
guess there is one good thing about Samuel being in
the hospital, it got me out a ticket, hey you gotta
do what you gotta do.
K, now on to Samuel, I spoke with one of the Dr. this
morning and a nurse who seemed to know something, and
they said that after the study today that they will
probally end up doing a minor surgery next week
sometime to put the G Tube in, but they are not sure
what kind of surgery it will intel, they are talking
of wrapping the stomach or something like that at the
same time they put in the tube. Now dont hold it to
me, the Dr. said "More than likely" so that could go
either way. And to those who are asking when and if
we are going back to Madigan, it doesnt look like it
will be soon, I asked them this morning that if all
they where waiting for was for him to gain weight if
it could be down at Madigan, they told me that one of
the doctors there said they didnt feel comfortable
with that idea, but I dont what to believe until I
confirm it with them. So I will keep everyone
informed. Connie & Samuel Fields
PS: This next part is for the PD Heart Support Group
The moms w/Shones Kids
Hi, All
I heard one of you mentioning that someone needed to
do a webb page for the Shones Kids, that sounds like a
great idea and I would be willing to do it, once life
gets back in order. If you all can get back to me so
I know exactly how many families there are on this
group with Shones Kids, I know there are about 4 I
think. Bye for now Connie Fields
From: Connie Fields
Date: Thu Apr 15, 1999 10:17pm
Subject: Greetings from Connie and Samuel
Well its the end of the day, we really dont know much
yet, I will talk with everyone tomorrow. k.
Oh I wanted to let everyone know that our local paper
down where we are from is comming up on Tuesday to do
a story on Samuel and put his trust fund information
into the paper, so hopefully that will help. Connie
Fields Talk with you tomorrow.
From: Connie Fields
Date: Fri Apr 16, 1999 4:12pm
Subject: Greeting From U know who
Dont know much, but we find out today hopefully how
the GI study went, and maybe theyll decide to take the
probe out of his nose.
He's not liking this one bit, cant seem to get the
nurses to give him his tylenol on schedual.( humm),
anyways I will let eveyone know when I know.
I am heading to Ft Lewis for the afternoon, I have to
pick my husband up and drive him up here and then
drive back to my moms house for the evening, so my
older children can still feel like they have a mommy.
Well bye bye Connie.
PS Mom, I know you are there with Zach and CJ, give
them this message.
Zachery and Chrissy, mommy loves you and I ll see you
this evening ok. Love ya sweeties.!!!!!!!
From: Connie Fields
Date: Sat Apr 17, 1999 00:39am
Subject: Sammy gets a new belly button on Monday
Hello, We finally got some news today, gee after 2
LONG weeks of waiting. Looks like Samuel will get a
new belly button (G Tube) on Monday afternoon
sometime. I ll keep you all posted. Connie
Rock a bye, Rock a bye
Rock a bye baby
In the tree top
when the wind blows
Down will come cradle
baby and all
From: Connie Fields
Date: Tue Apr 20, 1999 5:37pm
Subject: Greetings from Childrens Connie & Sammy
4-20-99 Hi all, I thought I would start my daily emails now that it is my turn to stay at the hospital. Sammy did not have surgery after all ( how annoying) since dad took time off of work. They want to do the pHProbe study again today. Then they will decide when and what they are doing. We did ask them however to please give us a day or two notice and to try and have it right this time. He has been moved to what they call a semi private room, (not what I call it tho) oh well at least I have a window and sunlight. I was beginning to forget what that was. We have a interview with out local paper regarding the trust fund that was set up for Samuel, so I should be going. I have to go make him look like a baby somewhat. I will let everyone know what happens tomorrow, I doubt I will know anything today, and who knows the way its been going I might not know anything tomorrow either. Tho they did do one new thing they put a PIC line in last night, so they dont have to keep poking him everytime his IV decides it wants to quit. Connie Fields
From: Connie Fields
Date: Tue Apr 20, 1999 10:42pm
Subject: Going to ICU, Connie and Sam
4-20-99 Hi I wanted to let everyone know we are heading to ICU, Samuel decided to asperate this afternoon. As you all know they decided to do the pH probe study again today and they also stopped his antacid on Sunday night. They wanted to see if he how bad he had reflux and if in doubt it is reflux. Well they have there answer now, it is most certain reflux, now as to what there next step is I have know clue. I am just glad Dr Jones was in the room doing his part of the interview with the paper, when Sam was reluxing, because he called the nurse in and had her call the GI docs so they could come and read the results because he was having the nurses pull the probe. There is "talk" of surgery on Friday, but dont take my word for it. They are trying to figure out exactly what they are going to do for the surgery,. Ill let everyone know more tomorrow if I know anything.
PS Dr Mahnke, I was trying to get ahold of you, and you are the hardest person to find, I just wanted to share that with you.
bye bye for now connie and samuel
From: Connie Fields
Date: Wed Apr 21, 1999 10:43pm
Subject: Sammy is a little better
4-21-99 Hi all I wanted to let you know Samuel is doing a little better today, they were able to wean him off of the ventalator this morning. They however still have the tube in his mouth and giving him a little bit of pressure. They took the PIC line out last night, because it was looking infected and he has a red line going up his arm, so they are testing for infections. But other than that things are still the same, and he is still in critical care. The Longview Daily news in our home town will be running there story on him on Thursday or Friday for those of you who live in that area. Charles got today off and will probally have the time off while Sammy is in the NICU, Sgt Robers and Lt. Miller came up to see us today and to see how things are going. Connie Fields more to come tomorrow
Jesus loves Sammy,
this I know
for the bible
tells me so
Little ones to him belong
the are weak
and he is strong
Yes Jesus Loves Sammy
Yes Jesus Loves Sammy
Yes Jesus Love Sammy
For the bible tells
mommy so
From: Connie Fields
Date: Thu Apr 22, 1999 7:37pm
Subject: Bad News from Children"s Connie and Sam
4-22-99 Hello all, I am sending this out because we just got some not so good news from Dr Rosental. (sams cardio). Looks like his Mitral Stenosis is worse than it was three weeks ago when they did the echo on his heart. It is looking like they might have to do surgery earlier than expected or than they wanted to. He is still to little but, they have really no other choice. Please keep him in your prayers. They are keeping him on the venalator to give him a little break from breathing. I will let you all know later on when we hear from the Cardiologist Team. They are supposed to have a meeting this afternoon to decide what to do with him, and what surgery options are available.
PS This is to anyone on the PD Heart Support list, if any of you have a had a child who has had there Mitral valve replaced please email me. Thank you
Connie Fields
From: Connie Fields
Date: Mon Apr 26, 1999 10:52pm
Subject: Update on Samuel
Hello, hope everyone is having a great and wonderful day, we are on day 24 at childrens hospital. Samuel is doing pretty well today, he is now off the ventalator and on CPAP, for all of those out there who have had a child on CPAP, they look like someone who came in from outer space. He has this hat thing on his head and this tube coming over the top of his head with these two prongs sticking out of his nose, sort of like a pace mask. He looks absolutely like a sad case. But other than that, he is up to 10 pounds, cross our fingers he ll gain more weight in the next week. I will send my usuaral updates all this week, and let everyone know when the surgery date is. Connie and Samuel Childrens hospital, Sam turns 5 months on the 1st of May, Charles and I will be attending our first Heart to Heart meeting here at Childrens on the 6th May which also happens to be our 4 year anniversary.
From: Connie Fields
Date: Tue Apr 27, 1999 6:05pm
Subject: Sam's surgery date
4-27-99 I want to start this out by saying alot of you know me, and I usually dont post stuff on the list about religion, because I dont want to offend anyone, but this is one time I just have to. As you all know it has been a rough road for Sam and us in the last 5 month since his birth in December. Well we now have a surgery date, they have set it for next wednesday the 5th of May. I wrote this last night as I was sitting beside his bed, thinking to myself why did God give me such a beautiful baby with such good spirts. There are many of adults I know, who could never handle what he has been threw. But yet he always has a smile, no matter how many times they poke him or prod at his little body, he has a smile. This time last week, we were planning for the worst, not knowing what was going to happen and how it would turn out. But sitting in church sunday afternoon, after they prayed with us for Sam's recovery, I had this overwhelming scence of peace. I just had this feeling that he would be fine and pull threw this. I have came to a understanding with God, that yes I will get to see my little boy take his first steps, and say his first words, but first I must trust in God, and then I will get my prayers answered. This was very hard for me do as some of you already know, I have had this hate towards God for making my children suffer as much as they have. But my last night here in my parent room, I sat alone and cried, asking God why he had done this. Thinking back to when all this begun, I now know it wasn't cause God hated me or wanted to punish me, it was because he choose me. He picked me to be the mommy to these special little ones. He thought I would be the best out of any other mommy in the world. As hard as it was that night I surrendered Samuel to God, and came to a relization that he is only a gift from God, someone for me to love and chearish and call my own here on earth, but some day he will go back to his rightful owner. Wether that is days or hours, or even years, it is not my decision or even the decisions of doctors, but it is the decision of God. For now I will love him, and teach him and guide him in the right ways, and if the time should come then I will know, I had my time with him. Thank you all for listening to me babble on and on, but I really had to get this off my chest. I will keep you updated as to how he is doing.Connie and Samuel day 26
From: Connie Fields
Date: Wed Apr 28, 1999 10:36pm
Subject: my daily update
Hello all, and how are we doing, we are just bord to death up here in Seattle. Sam is doing ok, he got a fever of 103.?? and now they are a little worried, they pulled the IV out his next because it was starting to ooz some puss stuff, nasty looking. Surgery is still on from my understanding, thats about all I can say until I find out the test results from the labs they are drawing today. Well some of you have been asking how to get here to come see me and my little old self, well here are EXACT directions.LOL
Get on I 5 going north, take the 45th street exit, and then turn right at the light, once you turn get in the left lane, and follow that threw about 7 lights, till you come to a hill going up and then going DOWN, once at the bottom of that hill, you want to stop at that light and wait till it turns green and then go threw it, it will put you on Montlake BLVD, go up the hill, threw about 4 lights until you see Childrens hospital on the right, go into the drive of childrens, park in the first parking garage, walk out of the garage and go down the little hill to the hospital entrance. Go in the big double doors, go past the receptionist, looking at her and smiling nicely, then go to the elevator push the up button, then when the elevator gets there get on it, and push number 4, once on the floor get out of elevator turn to your left go threw the doors, and to the front desk and ask them to page Connie Fields or Charles Fields mommy. If you get lost by these directions, I am really sorry.Bye bye
From: Connie Fields
Date: Fri Apr 30, 1999 3:29pm
Subject: Greetings 430-99 (Payday woohoo)
Hello, all
Sam is having a good day today, he slept much better last night then he has in weeks I think. Dr R. seen him several times this morning and says he is looking better, he still has the fevers tho. Surgery is still on for next wednesday, I talked with another family whose little boy just had the Mitral valve replaced. So there is hope. Well I am going to eat breakfast, have a good day everyone, Connie Fields
From: Connie Fields
Date: Wed May 5, 1999 4:25am
Subject: Sammy passed away today
I wanted to let all of our friends no that our son Samuel passed on this afternoon at 13:00. Sammy went into Cardiac Arrest, and they couldnt bring him out of it. It was his time to go home, he fought the fight and ran the race, and in the end he won his place in heaven, he has two grandpas whom I am sure where at heavens gates waiting to bring him home. Please feel free to contact us at our home phone 360-xxx-xxxx. They let us hold him for about 7 hours, and we got to bath him and dress him. This was a special time for my husband and I. Thank you for all your prayers and support and I know with out you I will not make it. Thank you Connie Fields and Family
Ten Thousand Angels
Ten Thousand Angels cried,
the day you went from earth to heaven.
Ten Thousand Angels lined up one by one,
along the golden highway to bring you home.
Oh the tears from heaven,
fell on earth like a,
beautiful April rain that day.
As God made the choice,
to bring you home,
they cried tears of joy.
Ten Thousand Angels came,
to carry you away,
to your final resting place in the skies.
--Connie Fields May 1999
Date: Tue Jun 22, 1999 5:00am
Subject: Had to share the happy news with our friends
Hello Dear Friends, and some family, I wanted to share the good news with all of you. Many of you know our loss of Samuel was very hard on us, and the pain we went threw. We have started the Shone's Kid's Heart Foundation, in the memory of Samuel. Well, the American Heart Association is doing there walk a thon in our neighboring town, well I contacted the person in charge to see about us walking in memory of Samuel, I was not even expecting them to do the walk in memory of him, we just wanted to walk in memory of him for our selves, and to help raise money for heart disease.
Well, the person in charge met with me last Wednesday and asked if my husband and I minded if they did the walk in honor of Samuel, and the Shone's Kid's Heart Foundation. They will be putting Samuel's picture on the front of the brochures and the walk will be done in his honor.
For those of you that would like to participate in the walk please contact me at the shoneskids email address, and I will give you the information, the walk will be held in Longview, WA on October 23, 1999. The email address is ShonesKids@Y....I just had to share that with all of you, and wanted to give a public
thank you to Dr Becket Mahnke for looking over the Shone's Kid's Heart Foundation web site and giving me the corrections. And also a thank you to Dr Puntel for your words of encouragement, in the card you sent me, stating you and Becket thought of me as a good mother, that really made me and my husband feel special and we greatly appreciate it and everything the both of you have done for us. God Bless you all, Connie Fields and Family
Date: Thu Jul 29, 1999 10:12pm
Subject: Some more bad news about the autopsy
I am writing you all to let you know that finally we got the results back to Samuel's autopsy, I expected more than we got. But not sure as to what is going on.
From the way the results read there is no actual reason as to why Sammy died. We did find out he had some other medical problems along with the heart
defects that we were unware of.
We found out that part of the left Thyroid gland was missing and he had severe reflux, and was apirating most anything he swollowed into his lungs, he also had a hemorage which we are unsure of as to where at in the body the hemorage was located. We plan on having a cardiologist give us his view point of the whole situation, but to me there was no reason as to why
Sammy died.
I WILL how ever find out what happened, we should have been listened to. The doctors were great but the nurses need to learn to listen to the pleas of
parents. We are not just talking to talk, but talking to advocate for our children.
Talk with everyone later, bye and God Bless, Connie and the Clan