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"Heaven-born, the soul a heavenward course must hold; beyond the world she soars; the wise man, I affirm, can find no rest in that which perishes, nor will he lend his heart to ought that doth time depend."

Buonarroti Michelangelo (1475-1564)

Moonless night
Darkness deep
Stygian sky
Ravens weep

Above the realms of ancient kings

Beyond walls and halls of ruination
Stands an image forgotten in time
Untested by dying creation

Surrounded by human formation

Lifelike statues in the mist

Like ghosts congealed by chance
Where Medusa appeared in crimson shadow
From her haze of slithering dance

Out of thought comes the story

Of mystery, myth, and surprise
A goddess’s gift gives the Gorgon
A power of tragic demise

For any who behold this horror
Sure as death will turn to stone
Silent stance from serpent's glance
Left motionless to the vast unknown

Terror overwhelms the faint heart

Hatred builds the fury like fire
Onslaught extreme – the frozen dream
Burns as quickly as human desire

Thorns cover the haunted garden
Where statues reside in horrific poses
Desolate mystery at the edge of the world
Only briars without budding roses

Michelangelo has not ventured here
The kingdom of Night has fallen at last
For eyes now perceive such a vision
As a truth from the pages of the past

Above the realms of ancient kings

Beyond walls and halls of ruination
Lays a skeleton forgotten in time
Beheaded by sword and salvation

Surrounded by human formation

Copyright 2001 © JS Moore. All Rights Reserved.

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