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Chaos and confusion

One man's disillusion
Where I am
Where I've been

Trying to get loose
Neck in a noose
Hands tied tight
Hope worn thin

Only feeling to find
In the depths of my mind
Darkness to dispel
The light fading fast

Farther - so quick

Red glow of the wick
Bright remains
Where wind has passed

Nemesis fierce
Ambrose Bierce
The dignitary Death
In full dress arrives

The lever released
Like an unchained beast
Sharp and suddenly
My subconscious survives

Dead man's dream
Vivid - would seem
Yet imagination

Many pathways

Vast endless maze
And temptation

The focus is this
One thing missed
Fate frowns
On an inventive soul

Losing my mind
Creating what binds
Chaos and confusion
With control

Copyright © July 2000 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved.

Ambrose Bierce, best known for his biting wit and masterful short stories, served for three years as a sergeant of volunteers with the 9th Indiana Regiment. Bierce, who originally signed three-month enlistment papers in 1861 at the age of 18, saw his first major action at Shiloh in April of 1862. That experience and the many others that followed left him a changed and disillusioned man. Many of his short stories, including the well-known and beautifully written An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, are based on his recollections of the War.


Bierce disappeared from public view in 1914 when he failed to return from a trip into war-torn Mexico. It is presumed that he was either a casualty of that war or the victim of bandits. No trace of him has ever been found.
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