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Cuchullain's Last Stand

Silent at first without a sound in the air

But my breath and tightening hand
In solitude and fear I wait and I stare
Into stillness around where I stand

An inevitable darkness blacker than night

Now a flame aglow ahead in my trance
Moving quietly a speckle of glimmering light
Gracefully gliding with Persephone's dance

The blaze is reflected on the steel I hold

On what trust I have brought at my side
Unsheathed from the depths and abyss of my soul
And prepared for the oncoming fight

Thunderous hooves stampeding with flare

The earth trembles from the oncoming storm
In this darkness I knelt once alone and in prayer
Yet this battlefield is still being born

The flame splits and becomes Demeter's two

Then four carried side by side
Closer and closer unceasingly closer
By torchlight these dark horsemen ride

Behold the undying unwavering force

Triumphant with destruction in sight
Steady undaunted upon an ungallant course
And prepared for the oncoming fight

I will not die this night or coming day

With such dread in my shivering mind
The wounds will heal from this cursed fray
As the agony retreats that I find

Death does not surrender to a man with a blade

Yet life is not taken by sword
As Odin has given his eye in a trade
Let the Valkyries come and the ravens explore

May Morrigan flap her wings for this host

The Land of Shadows and what deeds I've done
May she remind me again of my own reproach
I have buried my forgotton son

Copyright © January 1999 Jason S. Moore

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