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Detached from the things that are seen
I feel and hear my heart like a drum
Struck soft in my chest granting me life
Springing up like a flower to the sun
It knocks at the wall like a child
Pounding softly then harder I fear
As a vision enters the threshold and
The flower falls slow like a tear
Endless wasteland – disappear.

Drums in the distance beat softly
Inside my chest there is a child in control
Sending rhythms that pulsate the wall like
Slants of light from the sun through my soul
Illuminant mysteries are surrounding
Powers that are unseen by my eyes
As the dreaded dream - a nightmare it seems
Touches the mask of disguise
Emptiness filled with what lives and dies.

Dead are the things I have seen
In a world where the garden is bare
Solemn and bringing no life
Seeds from the depths of despair
I am the one who went walking out
Planting my heart as I went
As the drumbeat settles in failure
The flowers spring up to repent
Ethereal garden and glorious scent.

Copyright © February 1996 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."
-Henry David Thoreau, Walden


"Let me know how any man thought--and wavered and resolved, succeeded and failed-- I only want to know more of the life of man--of any man."
The Journal, undated entry [1842-1844]"

Thanks to Stephanie Torbett for Picture at top...
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