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I remove bloody armor
Put my sword and shield away
To stand naked on the battlefield
On this cold dark autumn day
The fight was hard and fierce
And flames have scorched the ground
As now only dying embers
And dead charred bodies can be found
As I a naked man alone
Hide my face and wipe away tears
The pain and torment of this single day
Will haunt me all my years.
The scarlet hue of northern sky
Seems to take my breath away
As if the spirits off these fallen here
Were lifted from the fray
But –oh – the horrid sounds of battle
Are still ringing in my ears
As I a naked man alone
Hide my face and wipe away tears.
The men I slew were brave and faithful
I could see it in their souls
As one by one I cut them down
To the burnt earth to repose
We met at dawn as rains poured down
And the thunder gave a roar
I drew my blade as lightning flashed
Then charged fast towards Death’s door
When the cursed portal closed
With all my whole life’s fears
The pain and torment of one single day
Would haunt me all my years
As I a naked man alone
Hide my face and wipe away tears.
Copyright © July 1997 Jason S. Moore
All right reserved.
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