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Lovers and Gamblers

There is a window to every soul
A searcher seeks to behold
The joys and pains,
Loss and gains,
Chaos and control.
There lies the Joker face up
Laughing amid the cards
Broken glass
Where death has passed
Leaving a body among the shards.
Can it be chance
Mere circumstance
Or fate that has struck this blow?
We win and fail.
Who can really tell?
No one will ever know
Why the tick and tock
Of someone’s clock
Stops suddenly and with no chime.
A cheater believes
With an ace up his sleeve
He can trick even the hands of time.
Across the table
The dealer is able
With a shuffled deck to choose.
And like Mark Twain said
We’re already dead.
“Lovers and Gamblers play to lose.”
There lies the Joker face up
Laughing amid the cards
The broken glass
Where death has passed
Leaving a body among the shards
There is a window to every soul
A searcher seeks to behold
The joys and pains,
Loss and gains,
Chaos and control.
Copyright © March 2000 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved.


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