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In a bar called “The Dirty Mug”
I had a drink with Hemingway.
He said, “ordinary life is as flat
as the taste of whiskey soda
when the taste buds
have been burned off your tongue.”
I had to agree.
I was a discouraged writer then –
But this remarkable man
Encouraged me
Gave me the confidence I needed
To ascend to the top
Of Kilimanjaro
Carrying the carcass
Of a leopard
And gaze down upon
The House of God
With a craving for experience.
There was no rescue plane.
I have climbed this peak
“unbelievably white in the sun”
And I have a dead man to thank
For sharing his story.
A ghost's farewell
From across the table
An empty glass
Drained of vitality -
The one he raised high before
And in French announced,
“Il faut, d’abord durer.”
Savor the moment.
Lost Generation.
African sunset.
Copyright © August 2000 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved


Newer Poems
Fire Giver
“Il faut, d’abord durer”
First, one must endure...
(July 21st, 1899-1961)
His books errand him the Pulitzer Prize in 1953, and the Noble Prize in 1954. Ernest Hemingway died in 1961.
Newer Poems
Fire Giver

My Other Poetry Sites

Twilight of the Gods
About the poet JS Moore