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Maps and Mazes

Arrange everyday a map to the mind
Memories and knowledge are some things to find
But love, dreams, and hope will not be a part
They aren't part of the mind
They are deep in the heart

This maze that is traveled and somehow passed through
As life's thread unravels with the don'ts and the dos
Unfolds as it should though in darkness we're blind
Arrange everyday a map to the mind

Each chamber uncertain and corridor apart
Are not part of the mind but part of the heart

If there is something blocking the way to the end
The walls are rock solid and the bars do not bend
Don't despair and give up with the obstacle you find
Use the memory and knowledge and the map of the mind

But if still a mystery and it still gets you down
Do not cower in shadows wearing tears or a frown
Don't go back to the beginning or return to the start
Muster the strength to finish from the depths of the heart
Copyright © June 1998 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved.
Copyright © July 2000 Jason S. Moore
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Twilight of the Gods
Cuchullain's Last Stand
The Death of Beowulf
Where Sunken Graveyards Dwell
Legacy of the Stranger
About the Poet Jason S. Moore
Analyzing the Rendezvous
Foul Encounters