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Onward My Soul

Onward my soul
amid the violence and silence I have seen
where sadness sleeps with broken dreams
and the ocean is a keeper collecting the toll
I am wandering lost within Poseidon’s control
Distant places and unknown lands
the perils are many, uncharted and vast
as this raging sea where I have been cast
to test the gods and their wrathful hands
try time and love where a heart withstands
Youthful submissions too soon and untrue
to give up the fight and lay down to defeat
my voyage seems endless so far from complete
Athena – my goddess – I cry out to you
for strength and for guidance in what I should do
Surrounded by wrathful relentless waves
I stood at the stern to watch the rising sun
convinced the Cyclops my name was No One
and managed to escape from his feast of a cave
where many of my men made his stomach their grave
Sailing further we found an island in the air
where Aeolus resided - the ruler of the winds
he gave a safe passage to Ithaca but then
my curious crew without thought or care
opened the sack and the winds went everywhere
Ever onward my soul upon this merciless sea
on through the tears of the Stygian fire
across burning waters and Circe’s desire
through the shadows of Tartarus where sweet Persephone
sits in beautiful grace by her husband Hades
Yesterday is not lifeless – forgotten or gone
I pray for my one love, my wife, Penelope
as I venture on upon this vengeful sea
the king of Ithaca may be destined to roam
my name is Odysseus and I will make it home
Copyright © August 2000 Jason S. Moore
All rights reserved.


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Painted by Craig Black - one of my favorite artists. You can order this wonderful print as well as other great fantasy art from Mr. Black at his personal website.
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