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Bring on this phenom
This fiercesome flight
That soars through shadows
Without a sound
And claims its prey
In a single bound
With intentions unsaid
But distinct and clear
Taking the lives
Of countless men
Returning soon after
To kill again
I stand firm and focused
On the threshold of fear
Silently praying
It will not appear
This terror – this Tiger
This oncoming test
A challenge unconquered
And without fail
Met at the crossroads
Of heaven and hell
Voiceless thoughts
And the sound of my breath
As from the darkness
Swift silent eyes of death
Bring on this phenom
This fiercesome flight
That soars through shadows
Without a sound
And claims its prey
In a single bound
I stand on my own
But ready to fight
This terror – this Tiger
Of the night.
Copyright © July 2000 Jason S. Moore
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