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Old Man Winter

His breath
is the breeze
stealing leaves
from painted trees
His hands
dip into waters
gripping them with ice
halting rivers
at their source.
He soars
into the sky
laughs at how small
the earth really is
from the heavens
as he blankets it with snow.
Jason S. Moore
Copyright © July 2000 Jason S. Moore
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Thanks to Ansel Adams for top picture of this site.
Robert Frost once said "One thing I care about, and wish young people could care about it, is taking poetry as the first form of understanding. Say it: my favorite form of understanding. If poetry isn’t understanding all, the whole world, then it isn’t worth anything. Young poets forget that poetry must include the mind as well as the emotions. Too many poets delude themselves by thinking the mind is dangerous and must be left out. Well, the mind is dangerous and must be left in."

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