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Wrestlers Name: JAX

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Race: White

Hometown: Salt Lake City, Utah

Height: 6’6"

Weight: 267

Hair Color: bald

Eye Color: green

Overall Physical Appearance: Broad chest, head is shaved bald and has a tattoo of a eagle on top of his head. A tattoo of a dragons skeleton on his back with what would have been the wings spread across his shoulders.

Specific Distinguished Marks: Tons of tattoo’s and scars on his body.

Ring Attire: A pair of old faded and ripped black Levi jean shorts with a brown belt, and black wrestling boots with green laces.

Entrance Music: Down with the Sickness by Disturbed

Alignment: Heel

Personality: Bully

Crowd Reaction: Boo’s

Finisher: JAX-bomb

Finisher Description: Wheel Barrel Power Bomb

Other Trademark Moves: DVD / Combra Clutch Suplex

Wrestler's overall wrestling style: Power/ Hardcore

Background: Jax is your basic asshole. He’s life has been one disaster after another and has taken it out on the world. He hates everyone and feels that the only way to feel better about his life is to make other’s suffer.

Wrestler’s Past Accomplishments: Finalist in UWF’s TV Title Tourney

Strengths: Strong / Pain Threshold

Weaknesses: Lack of concern for his body / Actual Wrestling Knowledge