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Wrestlers Name: Matt "El Natural" Meyer

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Race: White

Hometown: Calgary, Canada

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 231 lbs.

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Blue

Overall Physical Appearance: Very well built, hair down to his shoulders, usually in a braided pony tail. A black goatee.

Specific Distinguished Marks: A birth mark on his right arm by his shoulder. A tattoo on his left ankle that says 'H.W.'

Ring Attire: No shirt, elbow pads, pants like Chris Jericho's that are red with black in places, they say "El Natural" on the side between the knee and thigh.

Entrance Music: Black Sabbath-Iron Man

Catch Phrases: "When you step in the ring with me, there is only 6 hits. Me hitting you, you hitting the mat, the referee hitting the mat three times and the ambulance hitting 90 on the highway."

Alignment: Heel

Personality: Cocky, think's he is better then everyone else.

Crowd Reaction: Boos

Finisher: "El Natural Sault"

Finisher Description: Lion Sault

Other Trademark Moves: Sharpshooter

Wrestler's overall wrestling style: technical

Background: After known as White Wolf in the OWF for three or so monthes, he quit and headed to Slamfest under the name Jake "El Natural" Taylor, he quickly earned success and with in a matter of weeks was the # 1 contender to the world title.

Wrestler’s Past Accomplishments: OWF Tag Team Champion, OWF X-Treme Hardcore Champion

Trademark Personal Items: Silk button up shirts, unbuttoned, sunglasses and always riding in a limo.

Strengths: Fast paced, High Flyer, Tough, Able to counter just about anything, believe he can beat anyone in whatever kind of match they see fit, the women are drawn to him.

Weaknesses: Easily drawn in by women, doesn't take loses lightly, thinks possibly a little too much of himself.