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~ As the screen goes black we soon see the twinkle of stars off in the distance. Slowly at first we begin to move closer and close to the stars gaining speed as we move forward until no longer do we see stars but instead we see bright white lines burning through the darkness. Suddenly the screen explodes into a bright white and the universe is gone… replace by a jam-packed Pensacola Civic Center. ‘My Way’ by Limp Bizket begins to play as he cameras pan around the Civic Center taking in the fans and the signs as a huge Pyrotec show consumes the stage at the entry way to the back stage area. As the cameras focus on several of the signs in the crowd we see "WELCOME BACK UWF", "THE HARDCORE ICON: HUNTER", "I LOVE Puerto Rican’s", and "GIVE ME THE THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER". The cameras then cut to the announcer’s booth where we see our announcers to the night. Both men are around their early thirties and both are in a UWF pull over, one in green and the other in black. The man in green begins to speak…~

???: WELCOME BACK TO THE UWF! After a while on the shelf the UWF has returned to the main stream, and with an action packed line up to say the least. I’m you host Bill White… and this is my co-host Dean Barre!

Dean: Thanks Bill… and your right we do have a action packed line up here tonight as right here in Pensacola we will start down that road to determine the most important title any man… or woman could hold in their career. The Heavy Weight title!

Bill: Correct… in this single elimination tourney we will see the debut of some very talented new wrestlers, and of course their will be your mix of ring veterans, so be sure to hang around for the show… you never know what’s going to happen!

Dean: …and to give you a taste of what’s to come… let’s head to the ring for our first event of the night!


~ "Hero" by Chad Kroeger and Josey Scott hits the P.A. Systems and "The Tennesse Terror" Nicole Dasani makes her way out to the ring. ~

Terry Sims: Ladies and Gentlemen, now on her way to the ring, from Greenville North Carolina, weighing in at 140 pounds. The Tennesse Terror.....Nicole Dasani!!!!!!!

~ The crowd cheers as Nicole enters the ring. Poses with her arms in the air and then heads to a corner just as Derk's music hits. ~

Terry Sims: Ladies and Gentlemen! Now making his way to the ring... Derk...Maximus!!!!!

~ Maximus enters the ring and the bell rings, signalling the start of the match. The two opponents begin to pace around the ring, staring each other down. Finally they meet in the center of the ring and engage in a graple. Derk pushes Nicole off and she falls on her back into the corner. Derk starts flexing to show that he is stronger. Nicole gets right back up and walks up to Derk and stares in his eyes. Nicole throws a punch but Derk blocks it and nails her in the gut with a knee. Derk grabs her by the hair and runs to the ropes, throwing her over the ropes and near the announce table. ~

Bill White: Well fans the action is coming down near us

Dean Barre: Now don't be scared Bill

Bill White: Shut-up Dean

~ Derk slides out of the ring and grabs Nicole. Derk nails her in the head with 2 punches before throwing her back into the ring and following her in. Derk whips Nicole to the corner. Nicole stays int he corner as Derk runs at
her. Nicole nails him in the side of the head with an elbow. Nicole lifts herself up and sits on the top of the turnbuckle. Nicole gives Derk about two punches before grabbing him by the head and hitting a tornado DDT. ~

Bill White: WOW! What an impact move by Nicole!

Dean Barre: Nahhhhh, Derk will win this. He is a real man

~ Both opponents get up at the same time and run at each other. It ends up with Nicole hitting a twisting neckbreaker and thne bouncing right back onto her feet. Nicole runs off the ropes and just as Derk is getting up she nails him witha dropkick. Nicole lifts him up and whips him to the corner. Nicole picks him up and places him on the top turnbuckle, hitting him with a frankensteiner. Nicole gets up and leaps onto the corner. Balancing herself. Soon nicole leaps off with a frog spalsh. Nicole connects and then rolls over, locking Derk in with the Boston Crab, completing the Rocky Mountain Roll. Derk starts screaming and writhing in pain ~

Bill White: This could be it Dean

Dean Barre: Come on Derk, get to the ropes. Don't give up!

~ Derk finally reaches the ropes and Nicole is forced to let go. Nicole squats and waits for Derk to get up. Finally Derk does after a while and Nicole charges at him. Nicole tries for a clothesline but Derk ducks under it. Derk punches her three times before whipping her to the ropes. Nicole comes off the ropes and is hit with a powerslam. Derk holds for a cover. 1...2...and NICOLE KICKS OUT! Both opponents get up and lock up. They both turn, attempting a neckbreaker. Derk is holding Nicoles head and Nicole is holding Derk. They both fall, hitting one another with a neckbreaker. Now both of them are laid out and te ref starts a ten count. 1...

Bill White: Well both opponents are down and out and this could end in a draw!


Dean Barre: Come on Derk!


Bill White: You reall would hate to see Nicole win this match wouldn't you?


Dean Barre: I just think Derk is the better man, errr wrestler, here

5... And now Dean is getting up

Dean Barre: You see Derk si going to win

~ Now both of them are up. Derk runs at Nicole and tries for a clothesline but Nicole ducks under it. They both turn around and Nicole kicks him in the gut. Derk doubles over and Nicole grabs his head, hitting the "Terrorized". Nicole rolls Derk over and hooks his leg for a pin. 1...2...3...!!!! ~

Bill White: This match is over. Courtesy of the Terrorized Nicole Dasani is moving on and Derk Maximus is stuck out of the tournament.

Dean Barre: I want a rematch! That ref counted fast. Derk was screwed.

Bill White: I don't think so. I think Nicole beat Derk fair and square

Dean: I don’t care what you say… Derk was screwed… but I can gaurentree that Down Under will make short work of Megan coming up… mark my words!


~ Down Under by "Men at Work blast over the PA as DU emerges from beind the curtain. The fans start to cheer as he strolls down the ramp high fiving the fans and climbing in the ring and playing to the the crowd..

Then the mood changes as Steromud " End of Everything" starts to play. Megan and Hunter walk out on the ramp. Megan looks at Hunter and sends him to the back. She stands there with her hands on her hips looking at DU. She walks down the ramp and jumps into the ring..

The bell rings as the two circle each other looking for a opening. Megan charges and is caught with a arm drag. She looks back at a smiling DU. She gets back up and runs at him again bam another arm drag.. Megan slaps the mat and pops back up running DU hits the arm drag one more time but Megan holds on bringing him to the mat. She floats over on top of him nailing with stiff right hands to the head. She gets to her feet and lays the boots to him. DU grabs the bottom rope and the ref stops her attack…

DU is back up and the smile is gone from his face as he looks at a grinnning Megan. They lock up and DU whips her into the ropes Megan springs off with a spinning heel kick send ing DU to the mat. She drops a couple quick elbows and DU gets to his feet and catches her in the gut with a knee lift. DU hits her in the top of the back with some big forearms and Megan falls to the mat. DU walks around a bit playing to the crowd. Megan leg sweeps him to the mat. She pops to her feet and hits the ropes but she s caught with a spinebuster… ~

Bill: Oh what a impact!

Dean: I told you Down Under has Megan’s number.

~ DU picks her up by her hair and starts to yell at her while pointing his finger in her face. Megan kicks a lowblow send him to his knees she bounces off the ropes and hit a low drop kick to his face. She climbs the ropes and comes off with a knee drop to the face of DU busting his nose. DU staggers to his feet and feels his face and sees the blood. He flashes and runs at Megan pushing her intot he corner and landing punch after punch. She hits the mat in a heap. DU picks her back up and hooks in a belly to back suplex sending her over the ropes and onto the floor. Megan's head catches the corner of the ring steps and is busted open. Du comes to the outside and starts to stalk her. He rushes her she atches him with a drop toe hold into the steps. He rolls tot he floor and she gets up her faces his starting to cover in blood. She walks over and gets a chair and walks back. ~

Dean: This is going to hurt!

~ BAM she connects with the steel steps as DU rolls out of the way. He comes up with a kick and she goes down. He grabs her now bloody hair and rolls her to the ring. He takes the chair and tosses it in the ring. Out of the back we see Hunter sprint down the ramp. Megan sees this and meets him at the bottom. She stops him and tells him to go back. He starts to yell but she glares at him. and points to the back. Hunter looks at DU and flips him off yelling at him. He walks back up the ramp and Megan rolls back in the ring. DU slides in and is met by a boot from Megan.

The two fight then Megan whips DU into the ropes and catches him with a spinning neckbreaker. She gets up and and jups to the second turnbuckle and comes off with a leg drop but DU moves and comes with a clothesline catching her right below the chin. He pickes her up as both of them are covered in blood. He whips herinto the ropes but it is reversed and she hits a running spear sending him crashing to the mat. She pulls him up and starts to kick the sides of his knees with hard short kicks sending him down to his knees. She back up and nails him with a drop kick to the face. He falls back and and she she runs hitting a lionsault off the ropes she covers him..1..2..kickout. She is back up and pulls him to his feet and she locks in a DDT but he throws her off. He picks her up and sends her into the ropes and connects with a release spinbuster He walks over to the ropes and climbs to the top. He comes off with with the frog splash but she rolls and he catches her on her back. He rolls her over and goes for the pin1...2.. kickout. He picks her up but she rolls him up in a small package 1...kickout.. She is up first and locks in for a belly to belly but is headbutted and DU has her up for a powerbomb. She fights out of it with punches to the head...

The two of them are bloody and tired. They charge each other and clothes line each other falling to the mat. The ref starts the count. 1..2..3..Megan rolls on her back 4..5..6.. DU pulls his head off the mat 7..8..9.. DU places a arm over Megan.1..2..kickout. DU and Megan make to thier feet. Megan goes for a big kick but DU ducks and kicks her in the gut. He hits a double arm DDT sending her head first in to the chair . He covers her 1..2..3............

Dean: What a win for DU! Finally a woman has been put in her place!

~ DU gets up and tries to help Megan up.. She clears her head and looks at DU and hits him with a clothesline. She grabs the chair and lays into him nailing him in the head a couple times. A blood covered DU lays on the mat while Megan leaves the ring bloody and beaten.... ~

Dean: THAT WAS GREAT! Maybe Megan ain’t that bad after all.

Bill: That’s just plain unsportsman like. Down Under was making an attempt at a friendly gestur and got leveled for it.

Dean: What ya mean!? He used the chair first to get the win… it’s only fair.

Bill: Wait a moment… I thought you were cheering for DU?

Dean: Hey… what can I say. I think Hunter has started to really rub off on Megan… ya gotta like that.


~ Edge of the Blade by Mystikal starts to blast as Blade makes his way to the ring.. He stands there with a grin on his face while the fans boo him..

Then you hear the hard bass of Black Sabbath's Iron Man Matt Meyer's stands at the top of the ramp with his hands in the air..

He starts his walk to the ring when up from behind Anton comes down and nails him in the back of the head with a chair sending him to the floor. He nails him a couple more times. Anton pulls out a set of handcuffs and cuffs Meyers to the gaurd rail he lays the boots to him opening a cut above his eye. The ref stands there no doing anything cause the match hasn't started yet. ~

Bill: Oh this is bull shit! Anton has no place in this match…some one do something!

Dean: Meyers is doing something… he’s getting his ass handed to him. This is great!

~ Blade jumps out of the ring and walks over to the time keeper threating him to ring the bell and start the match. The time keeper says no saying it is not fair. Blade climbs back in the ring and whistles at Anton and points at the time keeper.Anton with a big smile grabs the chair and walks over there. He raises the chair and the time keeper rings the bell but still recives a shot for his earlier reluctince. Blade yells at the ref to start counting. The ref starts to count slowly..1...........2...........3............. Blade grabs the ref and tells him to pick up the pace. 4.....5.....6... Meyers is working trying to get free But Anton runs over and nails him again with the chair blood starts to pour out even more.7...8...9...10....... Blade raises his hands in the air to show his victory. The crowd boos and throws things in the ring at him. He jumps out of the ring and walks over to Meyers who is out cold and bleeding badly. He just just gives a cocky grin as he walks off Anton hits him one more time just for fun as he follows Blade up the ramp… ~

Bill: That was so cheap!

Dean: Yeah… cool ain’t it?

Bill: Let’s just go to the next match…


Terry: The next match is for one fall with TV time remaining, and is part of the first round for the UWF Heavy Weight title. Making his way to the ring at this time, hailing from Puerto Rico and weighing in at 210 lbs… this is… THE BORRRRICUA KIIIIIDD!

~ The Puerto Rican Anthem begins to play as The Boricua Kid makes his way to the ring dressed in his normal ring attire. The small cheer can be heard coming from the fans as Boricua Kid climbs into the ring and bounces off the far ropes getting ready for some in ring action…~

Terry: And his opponent, weighing in at 245 lbs., he is the self proclaimed ‘Icon of Hardcore’… STEVE ‘HUNTER’ HUUURRRSSTT!!!

~(Split this )room in half "Uncle Kracker begins to blare over the speakers as the crowd erupts in to a mixture of boo’s and cheers. Hunter makes his way down to the ring dressed in his usual ring dress and climbs into the ring. The two men don’t waste any time and go right at each other forcing the bell to ring. It is obvious from the start that this match is going to be a basic brawl-fest as the two men exchange rights and lefts. The Kidd begins to get the upper hand, do much to this speed and not so much his power, and hammers Hunter repeatedly towards the corner. Kidd then Irish whips Hunter across the ring. Hunter nails the turnbuckles hard but comes sprinting out taking down the Kidd with a vicious clothesline as the Kidd was trying to follow Hunter in. As the Kidd comes to his feet Hunter grabs him and drives a knee into the mid section of his opponent, and follows up with a DDT. Kidd is dazed but as Hunter pulls him up the Kidd stuns Hunter with an open hand thrust to the throat. Hunter stumbles back and is then sent over the top rope from a standing drop kick delivered perfectly by the Kidd. ~

Dean: Hey now… this is getting good. But I don’t know how long The Boricua Kidd will want to keep this outside… this is Hunters play ground out here.

~ Hunter comes to this feet on the outside, but is instantly sent flying into the security guard rail by the Kidd with a baseball slide from inside the ring. Kidd slides out the ring and sends a loud pop through out the center with an open hand chop across the chest. Hunter’s face is one of pain as he holds his chest and begins to stumble away, but the Kidd pulls Hunter back and connects again with a chop. Hunter’s chest is bright red now… he stumbles away from the Kidd now and begins to slide into the ring but the Kidd pulls him back out side. Hunter takes a wild swing at the Kidd but he ducks under the blow and catches Hunter with a right of his own. Hunter staggers back and is then sent to the concrete with a stiff thrust kick from the Kidd. Hunter is on the ground stunned as the Kidd takes his legs… The Kidd looks around at the screaming fans then sling shots Hunter into the steel ring post. Kidd pulls Hunter up and rolls him into the ring… as Hunter struggles to get to his feet we see crimson beginning to trickle down his fore head…~

Bill: Hunter has been busted open here folks… It looks like The Kidd has drawn first blood in this match up!

Dean: He needs to stay on top of Hunter and put this guy away. You don’t become a big name in this sport such as Hunter if you don’t have something in the reserve tank if you know what I mean. Besides a little blood never hurt anyone.

~ Several minutes later…~

~ In the ring the Kidd still has the advantage over Hunter, and has him pinned into the corner where he is unleashing a ten-count punch. As Kidd delivers the tenth and final punch he bounces back on to the mat and ducks under a charging Hunter who is desperately searching for a way to get back into the match. Kidd spins around, but is caught in the mid section by Hunter with a kick and then sent to the mat with a gut wrench suplex. Both men are down and out of breath but they both begin to struggle towards the ropes… the Kidd is the first one to his feet but is soon followed by Hunter. Kidd charges Hunter, but Hunter sidesteps him and nails a side walk slam. Hunter goes for the pin but Kidd kicks out even before the 1 count. Kidd pops to his feet and kicks at Hunters mid section but Hunter catches the foot… ENZIGURI!!!

Hunter drops to the mat like a sand bag as Kidd makes the cover………1………2…..KICKOUT!!!~

Bill: WOW that was close. The Kidd really nailed Hunter with that Enziguri kick.

~ Kidd pulls Hunter up and sets him up for a power bomb, but Hunter counters with a back body drop. Hunter drops to his knee as the Kidd holds his back in pain. Hunter comes to his feet, and turns towards Kidd. Hunter’s face is now a crimson mask, as he pulls Kidd up and goes for and Irish whip but sends Kidd to the mat with a short arm clothesline. Hunter then bounces off the rope and delivers a massive elbow drop to the Kidd. Hunter then pulls the Kidd up and lifts him high into the air with a vertical suplex… the Kidd is suspended up in the air then dropped down to the mat hard. Hunter floats over and goes for the pin………1………2..KICKOUT!!!

Hunter pulls the Kidd up and Irish whips him into the far side ropes… as the Kidd comes back Hunter drops down for a back body drop but Kidd sees this and counters by grabbing Hunter by the hair and slamming him face first into the mat. Kidd staggers back and leans against the ropes and Hunter slowly comes to his feet. As Hunter comes upright the Kidd charges Hunter and sends him to the mat with a flying lariat. Hunter hits the mat and bounces up only to be put to the mat again with a spinning heel kick from the Kidd. Kidd then quickly moves out on the apron and nails the downed Hunter with a spring board leg drop off the ropes. Kidd pulls Hunter and lifts him up onto his shoulder, going for what would be the Islander, but Hunter floats over. Kidd spins around and kicks at Hunter but Hunter catches the foot again… only this time instead of connecting with his Enziguri, Hunter ducks under the kick and as Kidd hits the mat Hunter jumps onto his back and…~


Dean: This doesn’t look good… Hunter has Kidd locked into his submission hold… I don’t know how long he can last.

~ Mean while in the ring Hunter is pulling back hard on the skull of the Kidd, who is screaming in pain but refuses to quit. The ref checks in several times but the Kidd screams ‘NO!’ at him every time. The Kidd struggles to reach the ropes and in a great show of heart he drags Hunter and himself towards the ropes… closer and closer…~

Dean: He got to the ropes! I can’t believe it, the Kidd got to the ropes!

~ Hunter refuses to release the hold but finally breaks the hold at the refs 4 count. The Kidd is hurt now, and Hunter knowing this pulls him to his feet and delivers an elbow to the base of the neck. He then grabs the Kidd in a double under hook and nails a shoulder breaker on the Kidd. Hunter goes for the cover………1………2……..FOOT ON THE ROPE!!!

Hunter is now screaming at the ref, claiming it was a slow count. Hunter pulls Kidd up, but is stunned by a stiff right to the gut… followed up another… and then another. The Kidd comes completely upright and nails Hunter with a couple forearm shots to the jaw then whips him into the ropes. As Hunter comes off the Kidd catches him with a leaping leg lariat. Kidd slowly comes to his feet, starting to feel that second wind and pulls Hunter up. He locks on a sleeper hold onto Hunter but then drops to the mat with a neck breaker like move. Hunter is hurt and holding his neck. The Kidd drops a quick leg drop across the upper chest of Hunter and then rolls over on top of Hunter and unleashes some mounted punches. The Kidd then pulls Hunter up he goes for an Irish whip but Hunter counters by reversing the whip, but instead of sending him to the ropes Hunter pulls Kidd across his shoulders and drops him with a Samoan drop. Hunter then grabs the legs of the Kidd and goes for the pin………1………2~



Hunter quickly drops his feet from the ropes and rolls out of the ring…~

Bill: What a tainted win by Hunter!

Dean: Who cares… a win is a win, and Hunter won!

Bill: Well folks it’s official… next week we will see the second round to the tourney, and we will see if Hunter will continue his short cuts to victory, and if Anton will play another big part in a win for Blade… for both Dean Barre, and the UWF… I’m Bill White saying good night and see you next week!