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Welcome to my html help page.
Here you will find html help from the basic to the advanced


We will start with the Structure tags
NOTE...Be sure to change ( ) to < > in order for these to work.

(HTML) ALWAYS goes at the VERY top, left hand side...NOTHING before it. This Creates a HTML Document
(/HTML) ALWAYS goes at the very bottom...This Closes the HTML Document
(HEAD) Sets off the Title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web Page it's self (/HEAD)
(BODY) Sets off the Visable portion of the Document (/BODY)


(TITLE) Puts the name of th Document in the Title Bar (/TITLE)


These go between the (BODY) & (/BODY) tags
(BODY BGCOLOR="?") Sets the background color, using name or hex value
(BODY TEXT="?") Sets the text color, using name or hex value
(BODY LINK="?") Sets the color of Links, using name or hex value
(BODY VLINK="?") Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value
(BODY ALINK="?") Sets the coor of Links on click


(b) Creates BOLD text (/b)
(i) Creates italc text (/i)
(u)Underines a Word or a Sentence (/u)
(p) New Paragraph (/p)
(hr) Draws a Horizontal line (/hr)
(tt)Creates teletype, or typewriter-style text (/tt)
(FONT SIZE="?") Sets the Size of the Font - from1 to 7 (/FONT)
(FONT COLOR="?") Sets the Font color using name or hex value (/FONT)
Both the above can be combined....(FONT SIZE="?" COLOR="?") (/FONT)


(P align="?") Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center
(br) Inserts a line break
Indents text from both sides

Graphical Elements

(img src="URL of image") Adds an Image
(img src="URL of image" align="?") Aligns an image left, right, center, bottom, top, middle
(img src="URL of image" border="?") Sets the size of border around image
(hr) inserts a horizontal rule
(hr size="?") Sets size (height) of rule
(hr width="?") Sets the width of rule, in percentage of absolute value
(hr noshade) Creates a rule with noshade


(a href="URL of the link")(/a) Creates a hyperlink
(a href="mailto:E-mail addy")(/a) Creat a mailto link
(a name="NAME")(/a) Creat a target location within a document
(a href="#NAME")(/a) Links to the target location from elsewhere in the document


(table)(/table) Creates a table
(tr)(/tr) Sets off each row in a table
(td)(/td) Sets off each cell in a table
(th)(/th) Sets off the table header (a nonmal cell with BOLD, centered text)


(table border="#") Sets width of border around table cells
(table cellspacing="#") Sets amount of space between table cells
(table cellpadding="#") Sets amount of space between a cell's border and its contents
(table width="%") Sets width of table - in pixels or as a percentage of document width
(tr align="?") or (td align="?") Sets alignment for cell(s) ( left, center, or right )
(tr valign="?") or (td valign="?") Seta Vertical alignment for cell(s) ( top, middle, or bottom )
(td colspan="#") Sets number of colums a cell should span
(td rowspan="#") Sets number of rows a cell should span ( default=1 )
(td nowrap) Prevents the lines within a cell from being broken to fit