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Family Apterygidae


Brown Kiwi

Order Apterygiformes

This small order is composed of 4 species of small, flightless birds known as kiwis. Kiwis are indigenous to New Zealand, and are among its more unusual of residents.

Kiwis are roughly the size of a pheasant, and have plump, rounded bodies, an elongated neck, and a small head. The head is equipped with large ears, small eyes, and a long, needle-like beak. The beak is tipped with two slit-like nostrils and is encircled with several touch-sensitive hairs.

The body is covered with short, hair-like plumage, giving kiwis the appearance of mammals rather than birds. This impression is further aided by the fact that they seem to lack wings entirely – in truth, the small, useless wings are hidden beneath the grey or brown plumage.

Kiwis have two short, stout legs equipped with three sharp claws that may be used as a method of defence. At one time they had no natural enemies, but with the arrival of domesticated animals such as dogs and cats to New Zealand, they are now in danger of extinction.

There are four species, with one having just been declared a separate species in 1993. They are placed in one family:

Apterygidae (kiwis) 4 spp

