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Bony Fish

Please choose a group from the list below:

Perciformes Pufferfish and Triggerfish Flatfish Sea Moths
Flying Gurnards Scorpionfish and Gurnards Swamp Eels Snakeshead
Seahorse and Stickleback John Dorys Squirrelfish Opah and Ribbonfish
Flying Fish Pollack and Cod Anglerfish Dragonets
Toadfish Pirate Perch Lanternfish Catfish
Carp and Loaches Milkfish Salmon and Trout Elephant-trunk Fish
Arapaima Herring and Anchovies Eel Spiny Eel
Tarpon Bowfin and Garpike Paddlefish and Sturgeon Bichir and Redfish
South American Lungfish Australian Lungfish Coelacanths

Class Osteichthyes

Fish are all members of the phylum Chordata, sub-phylum Vertebrata. Fish are generally spindle-shaped, oval in section, and flattened either sideways or dorsal-ventrally. The skin is covered in protective scales, with some exceptions (lampreys, ocean sunfish). All fins have fins of some sort, all the size, number, and shape vary. Fish breathe through gills, and only a very few have actual lungs. Most fish have a special organ known as a swimbladder that prevents them from sinking, and, in some cases, aids in respiration. The common name "fish" refers to four different classes, depending on the person classifying them (there are numerous different ways to classify fish).

The class Osteichthyes is made up of 26000 species of bony fish. These are all the common fish and eels found in both salt and/or fresh water. They fertilize their eggs in one of two ways: externally (the male fertilizes the eggs after they have been laid), or internally. There are generally two types of eggs: the kind that float (pelagic) or the kind that sink.

There are about 34 orders in two subclasses:

Subclass Sarcopterygii (fleshy-finned fish)
Crossopterygii (coelacanth)
Ceratodiformes (Australian lungfish)
Lepidosireniformes (South American lungfish)

Subclass Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish)
Polypteriformes (bichir, redfish)
Acipensiformes (paddlefish, sturgeon)
Amiiformes (bowfin, garpike)
Elopiformes (tarpon, tenpounder)
Anguilliformes (eel)
Notacanthiformes (spiny eel)
Clupeiformes (herring, anchovy)
Osteoglossiformes (arapaima)
Mormyriformes (elephant-trunk fish)
Salmoniformes (salmon, trout)
Gonorhynchiformes (milkfish)
Cypriniformes (carp, barbs, loach)
Siluriformes (catfish)
Myctophiformes (lantern fish, Bombay duck)
Percopsiformes (pirate perch)
Batrachoidiformes (toadfish)
Gobiesociformes (clingfish, dragonets)
Lophiiformes (anglerfish)
Gadiformes (cod, pollack)
Atheriniformes (flying fish)
Lampridiformes (opah, ribbonfish)
Beryciformes (squirrelfish)
Zeiformes (John Dory)
Gasterosteiformes (seahorse, stickleback)
Channiformes (snakeshead)
Synbranchiformes (swamp eels)
Scorpaeniformes (scorpionfish, gurnard)
Dactylopteriformes (flying gurnard)
Pegasiformes (sea-moth)
Pleuronectiformes (flatfish)
Tetraodontiformes (triggerfish, ocean sunfish, pufferfish)
Perciformes (perch, cichlid, gobies, wrasse, tuna, swordfish, ice fish)

