Order: Diprotodontia Prev. Marsupialia
Family: Macropodidae
Genus & Species: Macropus fuliginosus
The western grey kangaroo looks much like the eastern grey kangaroo, and
for many years was even treated as a subspecies. The males grow from 6-7 ft
(180-210 cm) in height, with the females being smaller. Males weigh 121.5
lbs (54 kg) and the females weigh 63 lbs (28 kg). They vary in colour, being
anywhere from greyish-brown to chocolate brown to reddish-brown. The
undersides are pale. The muzzle is covered in fine hair, much finer than
those of the other 2 large kangaroo spp. There are two distinct groups of
western grey kangaroos, one in western Australia and one in southern
Australia. The western group is slender and greyish-brown in colour, and
the southern group is stockier and brown in colour with bluish-grey
Western grey kangaroos have the basic kangaroo appearance: small head,
large ears, a long thick tail used for balance, short forearms, strong
hindlegs, and long broad back feet ideal for hopping and standing upright.
The females carry a pouch that is used to carry the baby while it nurses and
to keep it out of harm's way.
Western grey kangaroo females are known as does or fliers, the males as
boomers or stinkers due to their strong, curry-like smell, and the young as
Western grey kangaroos are the most vocal of the 3 large kangaroo spp.
The mothers communicate to the joeys with a series of clicks.
Western grey kangaroos are located in the western and southern 2/3 of
Australia. The southern group can be found in South Australia, Victoria,
and New South Wales. Western grey kangaroos are the species of kangaroo
most adaptable to different climates, and yet are rarely found in American
zoos. In Australia, they thrive in woodlands, open forests, coastal
heathland, and open grassland and scrubland. They can even be found on
city outskirts and golf courses.
Western grey kangaroos live in groups called mobs.
Western grey kangaroos feed mostly on grass but will browse upon certain
native shrubs. They are strictly herbivorous and use microorganisms in the
cecum (a vestigial organ in humans) to break down the cellulose of these
plants. They can survive on plants high in fibre but low in nitrogen, and
require very little water. An interesting aspect of this kangaroo species is
that they have developed a tolerance for sodium fluoroacetate, a toxin
produced by many Australian plants.
Western grey kangaroos have few natural enemies, being mostly hunted by
the introduced dingo. They are considered pests to agricultural lands, so a
quota has been placed allowing farmers to shoot a certain number each
Western grey kangaroos have no particular breeding season, although most
joeys are born in the summer. Unlike most kangaroos, the embryo of the
western grey kangaroo is not kept in a dormant state in the uterus. Only 1
joey (rarely 2) is born in an almost larval stage after a gestation period of
only 31 days. The joey will climb from the birth canal to the pouch in 3
minutes, after which it grabs hold of a teat and nurses. They leave the
pouch at 8 ½ months and are independent of it at 10 months, although they
continue to nurse from it for another 6 months. The female will mate again
after the joey has left the pouch.
The western grey kangaroo is related to the eastern grey and red kangaroos.
There are at least 2 subspecies, one on the mainland and one on Kangaroo
1. www.agric.wa.gov.au/agency/pubns/infonotes/A02292.html
2. www.calm.wa.gov.au/plants_animals/mammal_kangaroo.html
3. www.esl.com.au/greykan.htm
4. www.kangaroocenter.com/westerngrey.html
5. www.geocities.com/RainForest/Andes/1889/atoz/wgrey.htm