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Jake's NEW Journal
Sunday, 11 September 2005
Jake's Ghost
Mood:  blue
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Wow, long time no write. I've been so busy with my new job at Verizon Wireless and my new puppy!! I'm excited about those new developments in my life, yet I'm dissapointed in myself and my life thus far. I've had a few break throughs emotionally, but nothing has been tremendously life altering. I excel at my job, but my personal life is (enter raspberry here).

There are no details I feel impressed to leave here. My life sucks, and it's no one's fault but my own. The good news is I know it and I'm working on fixing it. I'm saving up to purchase a town house in February. I have a couple of developments I like, and I'm watching the market. I'm cleaning up my credit score, which is worse than my bedroom...I got a copy of it a while back after my car got broken into and some documents were stolen out of it. So far, no fraudulent activity has been reported. All the crap on there is my own shit I've flung.

Update on the Mice! I have one mouse that looks a bit pregnant, she's gonna burst any day now. She's my favorite mouse. Her name is Dolly, and she's the cutest, nicest, most smartest mouse ever. The daddy of the babies is Peter's mouse Britches. These babies are going to be amazing! Any takers for some baby mice?

My new dog is named Charley, which is the same name as my nephew, BUT I didn't name her. That's right, her. I got her at the Humane Society and she's the sweetest thing ever. She is a dashound/pomeranian mix. She and Olive don't get along, but Peter is keeping Olive and I'll be taking Charley most likely when the move happens in February. Our lease will be up, and I want to get a nice place with a backyard.

So, other than the above, no major news to report here. I'm depressed, my life in shambles, but it's my own doing. I'm in it for the long haul, so it's time I figured out where I'm headed.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 1:47 AM MDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 September 2005 1:53 AM MDT
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