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Jake's NEW Journal
Thursday, 19 February 2004
This is the beginning of my 2004 Journal. I updated it to a blog, because it's easier to navigate. Plus, if you want to add anything to my journal, feel free! It's easy, it's free, I love Angelfire!
Okay, I know it's the middle of February, and that means a lot of time has passed since I posted anything to this online journal. I've been extremely busy with school and the show I am in. I'm only taking 13 credit hours, but it seems like it's a ton more. I'm still considering transfering to another school, but I don't know where I would go. The U of U doesn't have musical theatre, but if they did, I would go there. I only have a few semesters left though, and that's one thing that has kept me here. The show I'm in is at Hale Center Theatre in the Salt Lake Valley. I love performing there. The stage is a technical wonder. I won't go into that here, just know that it's amazing. You have to see it to really understand it's wonder.
I'm taking a few classes that I really enjoy. The first class I'm loving is History and Literature of Musical Theatre. I found that I really love to research different time periods. I'm in charge of researching American Politics through the various decades of the 21st Century. I started off looking at the main political events, but I've found web sites and books that cover overall feelings and emotions of the people who lived through these times. It's the actual living through events that makes history, not the passing of events.
Another class that has helped me has been Stress Management. I am realizing through this class that I am creating my own stress, and I just need to let go of that "drama" and live my life. I've learned a lot of relaxation techniques that are blessing my life, and I'm really glad I decided to take this class.
I've discovered a few new things about me in the past few weeks as well. I am more a grown-up than ever before. I'm more intellectual. I still enjoy goofing off, but not as often. Things that used to be important to me are no longer as stressed as they once were. I'm ready for the next phase in my life. I'm not sure what that phase will be, but I am hoping it includes a few certain things. For instance, I want a place of my own. I'm tired of living in the dorms. I want a dog. I want a love in my life. I've always wanted that, but it seems to be more important now. I was walking through Wal-Mart the other day, grocery shopping. I felt so lonely right then; I felt completely alone. Being so far away from my immediate family has taken it's toll on me. However, I can't go back to Missouri permamently. My life is here in Utah now. To go back to Missouri would seem a step backwards to me. I am not done with this particular topic, but to continue would only seem neurotic.
On a much happier note, my sister is getting married! She is marrying Nathan Bogart on March 12th, 2004. Yes, she is my younger sister, but no, I don't feel a tinge of jealousy. She found herself long before I did, and that is what has helped her find someone. I'm glad for her.

I hope this blog will become a favorite place for me to post my thoughts and my emotions. I hope you find comfort here, or at least a cheap laugh or two. I know I will.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 7:14 PM MST
Updated: Thursday, 26 February 2004 7:17 PM MST
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Sunday, 22 February 2004 - 7:46 AM MST

Name: Kim
Home Page:

Hi Rob, I mean Jake! :)

I was checking on the links on my webpage, making sure they all still work, and stumbled upon your homepage, and thus to your journal. (By the way, I don't have the X-Files pages on my website anymore...I deleted them to make room to put one of my band's songs up...I'm probably going to end up converting the whole site into my band's website eventually.)

I loved getting a bit caught up with your life. I hope the depression has subsided.

Feel free to stop by my journal (, and leave me a comment if you do so I know you stopped by! (Think about moving your journal to's free and no pop ups!!)

Keep me posted!

-Kim (from BSSHS)

Sunday, 22 February 2004 - 12:35 PM MST

Name: JakeRob

Sorry about the pop-ups...I know how annoying they can be. It might be better to move my website, but my organization behind the scenes hasn't been that great.

So, where are you living now? I'd love to get together sometime, maybe after this semester or something. I'm in Utah, and of course, you can learn most everything about what I'm doing from this website.

Have fun, be safe!


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