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Jake's NEW Journal
Sunday, 22 February 2004
Comedy with 0% Organization, or Random Ramblings
My performance yesterday went really well. My best friend, Jamie, came to see it, and she loved it. She's awesome. She keeps on telling me that she is going to transfer to some other school, and if she does, I'm going to have to follow her. Or, I'll transfer to SLCC for a while till we come back to Weber State. They offer some of the same classes I need for my musical theatre degree, and I'd really like to get down to Salt Lake. Ogden just isn't the right place for me. My mom says that I do really well in Utah, and I do, but not in Ogden. I'm going to move to Salt Lake as soon as I can, and I'm going to SLCC for a semester or two. Then, I'll get back up here to Ogden to finish and graduate.

The biggest problem is getting my mother to agree. Isn't that sad? My life is my life, I'll be 25 this year. I want to move to SLC, but if I tell that to my mother, she automatically gets a bit testy and tries to tell me what to do. I end up sighing and telling her of course she is right, and I need to stay to finish my degree. But it just makes so much more sense to go down there and take the courses I need to take. I'm going to move at the end of this semester, and I'm going to take classes at the community college. I know I have enough credits to graduate, but none of them are in the same area. Grrr...

I have a cold. My performance yesterday really showed that off, with my lower and gravelly voice. Is gravelly a word, and if so, did I misspell it? I'm sure Kim will let me know, lol... Wow, is it weird that I miss her? She's in Kentucky I think, and I just got a comment from her on here. I was really lucky to have a friend like her in high school, someone who cares about you no matter what happens or how stupid you are. She's awesome.

This entry really has no rhyme or reason, I'm just rambling. I guess my life has no organization. I realized last night at 11:30 that I hadn't finished (or even started) my online class. I rushed through the tests, getting 70% on both, and I only finished one of the three assignments. Oops. I suppose I should start this weeks assignments and get 100% on everything. Wow, who knew that stress management would cause me such stress?

Right now, my tv is on Comedy Central, like usual. I only change it for SNL every Saturday. I'll watch DVD's of Family Guy or South Park. I also watch French and Saunders DVD's. If you don't know what that is, they are a comedy duo from England. You can order their DVD's from They are HILARIOUS!! Comedy is one of my coping mechanisms. I suppose that's a good thing. I'm going to write a book someday, hopefully I'll start it soon. It's going to be ramblings like this, only with a focus. I hope to touch people's lives through comedy and laughter, and to inspire people to better themselves. That's a sort of vague description, but it works for me. It won't be a self-help book, because I don't hold a PhD in anything. I only hope someone will read it and love it and publish it. My friend Kim and I used to write books together, she was so much better than I was in High School. I hope she gets published someday, too...

Hey, sorry this entry is so random, but hey, that's who I am. I'll get more on here as time goes by. I hope that people who read this really feel me, and can relate to what I have to say.

LOL, MadTV is on right now, it's their 5 Year Celebration. I love that show. Someday, I'll be on MadTV or SNL. I love both of them. I just want to be the guest star on SNL I suppose. That's the low end of my dream. The high end, I'm a regular on one of those shows. Hey, maybe I'll get my own show! Maybe.

I love you all!


Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 1:33 PM MST
Updated: Thursday, 26 February 2004 4:38 PM MST
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Friday, 27 February 2004 - 1:20 PM MST

Name: Jamie Taylor

Sweetie, dahling, thank you for your kind words in this entry. It was so funny to come back and read your journal, considering the last time I read an entry was "back in the day" ;). I hope you know the reasons why I would be transferring (if I ever really convince myself to do so); naturally, because Odgen sucks. :P But that's not just it. I've had amazing learning experiences here, but they seem to be wearing off rather rapidly and I could use a change of scenery to gain some new perspective on who I am and what I want to do. I feel like the real me has been repressed for so long, and I would love to go somewhere where it can be discovered and flourish. Plus, leaving here seems to be a nice way to get closure.....closure with my nasty recent bad luck with guys, closure with my insecurities, and closure with my faults and fears, in order to start anew. The thought of it really excites me, that there's something MORE out there and that life was really meant to be ENJOYED, not just "to get through as best you can". I understand your feelings and desires to be loved and appreciated. I pray for that every day, but all it seems to do is make my insecurities deeper--so deep that I stooped to the ultimate low when I found myself almost dependent upon John's attention (you remember, the married guy?). I really need to learn to understand, love and appreciate myself and have that be enough for a while...just like Aida! :) Anywhoo, I'm not sure myself what the future brings but just know that to follow your dreams to new and undiscovered places, that alone is sufficient for present happiness, for it's happiness on your own terms. That's something I've just barely learned (took me 20 years to understand it! :) ), but always follow what you desire in your heart, Jake, and chance the consequences. Even if you have to do it alone, know that at least ya got your Dawnie French here and I will always support you and will always keep in touch, should our paths wander down different roads. I'm PLANNING on my children calling you Uncle Jake, so no worries. :) You're awesome; go out and get 'em, kid!

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