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Jake's NEW Journal
Friday, 5 March 2004
Up late again...
Okay, guys, I'm really not a late night kind of guy. It just seems that, lately, I've had a lot on my mind. I need to get a lot of it out here in my journal, then I can let my mind rest.

Tomorrow, I have a huge day. Homework, job hunting, apartment searches litter the back of my mind, yet all of these minions seem to have taken a back seat. I've thought a lot about some of my newfound friends. First of all, there is Spence. Wow, where to start with this guy? I don't know. Perhaps I shall return to him later. There is also Don and Jerome. These guys are awesome. I wonder if they know how much I care about them. I respect both of them immensly, both for different reasons, and they entered my life only a few short months ago. I have TREMENDOUS respect for Jerome, who has been seeing the same guy for five years. If that guy (Scott) hurts Jerome, I will hurt Scott. Physically. Don is a different story. I respect him so much for his honesty. He is true about himself to everyone he meets. He has no qualms or fears about who he is. I feel that is a true gift for him. I have been searching, trying to find that strength. I hope to find it soon, but I have a great example in Don. LOL, I don't even think those two know about this journal. I might have to clue them in soon.

Another thing I've been excited about has been this move to Salt Lake. I feel my life will really take on shape when I move there. I'll have a job, I'll be a student, and I'll hopefully have a relationship. I'll also have a very supportive roommate in Austyn. We are going to help each other grow and we will have our own little support group.

I feel I need to give everyone some background on Austyn. His real name is Durahn Rasmussen. (If I spelled that wrong, let me know...) I met him as Austyn Reilly, which is his stage name. No, he doesn't dress in drag and lipsync, but he dresses nicely and sings karaoke. He's a great guy. The connection we had was instantaneous. I feel like I was supposed to meet him and get to know him for some reason that will present itself soon.

Okay, it's late. I really need some sleep. I've gotten some of my thoughts down here, and my to do list for tomorrow is growing as we speak. The longer it gets, the more my mind settles. I just need to keep it by my bed and let tomorrow take care of itself.

Damn, my hair is long.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 12:34 AM MST
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