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Jake's NEW Journal
Thursday, 18 March 2004
Does the Mirror have Two Faces?
My mind is wandering today, and I feel the need to type just to get it focused. I feel caught up in a hurricane, and I just need to get to the eye to wait out the storm. I've had a few gusts of wind added in the last few days, including betrayal and exhaustion. I found out how certain "friends" truly feel about me. One person in particular I am very dissapointed in is Chad. He puts up a front of being a nice guy, and then laughs at your ass. Two-faced, back-stabber, just a jerk; those are only a few examples of names I've been calling him in my head. Now, I expected shit like this from Rich, he's just that kind of guy; but Chad? We've been in shows together, we have classes together, and I thought we were friends. Not best friends, mind you, but I didn't hate him. I still don't hate him, despite the kind of person he has turned out to be. When you carry anger for a person, the only one burned is yourself. I cannot hate or have negative feelings towards others, simply for my own benifit. People in the show (Scarlet Pimpernel) have been advising me to get back at these guys, but there would be no lasting positive change for any parties involved. {sigh}

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 11:47 AM MST
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Thursday, 18 March 2004 - 8:19 PM MST

Name: Kim
Home Page:

I hear you...I have this burning resentment toward my roommate, James, right now. I know that my anger is only hurting me, and not affecting him at all. But I can't help it! The only thing keeping me from "killing" him right now is the fact that I'm moving out in less than 3 weeks!!

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