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Jake's NEW Journal
Monday, 22 March 2004
Krispy Kreme has Magical Powers!! Wow...
It's amazing to see yourself through the eyes of other people. You suddenly become a rare, valuable gem with magical powers. Well, maybe there are no magical powers, but I can pretend, right? When you become used to seeing yourself one way, you become set in that view. For me, my value has been dropping due to my loneliness. Being alone has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself. When you encounter someone who sees you as you really are, you suddenly become aware of how low you view yourself.

Okay, some of you might be thinking, "Wait a minute. Just a minute ago he's pissed off about being called 'Krispy Kreme' by his friends, and now he's thinking he has magical powers." Well, I've been seeing myself through someone else's eyes for a while now, just a few weeks really. That Krispy Kreme entry was just me blowing off temporary steam. This entry has been stewing in my mind for longer.

Anyway, I move to SLC this Friday! I am so excited. I cannot wait to get things going.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 12:14 PM MST
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Monday, 22 March 2004 - 8:28 PM MST

Name: Amanda Robbins

I just got set up blogging with angelfire so i don't know much about anyone or anything on here, but you sound nice. Why did your friends call you krispy kreme? If they can say that to you and think it's funny they aren't really your friends. Anyway, I am wishing you luck with the person you met, you sound happy and thats the only way to be.

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