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Jake's NEW Journal
Tuesday, 6 April 2004
Pensiveness, or is it just a Pain in the Ass?
As I sit here at 2 in the afternoon, I am very thoughtful. Full of thought, full of it, I suppose I am just pensive. Yet, I don't know what PENSIVE means. I guess I could open a dictionary, but I don't own one. I suppose every good author should own one, but I feel that my vocabulary should not rely on a book. I should just go with what I know, with what I feel.

I'm going to get a job at UPS, and I'm going to try for a day job until school starts up full time in the fall. I'm thinking Discover card could hire me on as a flex-time employee. I mean, I owe them some money, so they can just give me a job and I'll pay them with that money.

I'm chatting with my new roommate on Yahoo! Messenger right now. He's trying to get into shape, and he asked me to help him with that once we moved in. Well, last night I asked him to go to the gym with me. (There is a fitness facility in the apartments we live in.) He says I am pushing him too hard, and that he has to find it within himself to start this whole regimin. It just upsets me that he feels that shitty about himself that he can't start it.

Okay, this whole entry is once again been a rambling entry. I need to focus and do the things I need to do today. I need to get information on my family, and write down all of my old addresses.

Oh, and Kim, in case you are wondering what my Yahoo! Messenger ID is, it's allamerican79. Minus the period. But you probably know that. Anyway, I'll see you all again in a few days, and tell you how UPS went.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 2:29 PM MDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 April 2004 10:47 PM MDT
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