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Jake's NEW Journal
Saturday, 1 May 2004
Thoughts for the beginning of a new month...
Hmmm, yet another entry. Here I go...

Basic News: The pool at my apartment complex opened today. I'll be able to add swimming to my daily workout. How sweet is that? School has now officially ended for me. I have zero finals to take, which is one reason why majoring in theatre and fitness is so awesome. I begin work at DiscoverCard on Monday, May 3rd. Everyone wish me luck there. I'm taking two dance classes this summer at the community college, modern and jazz. I'm stoked for those. That Disney film begins production in SLC on May 8th, and they are looking for extras. I'm hoping to land in there a couple of days this month. I'm selling more stuff on eBay, and a few of my items are sky rocketing. I turn 25 the end of this month. I'm not worried about aging, and I'm excited to be out of my "young 20's"...

Stuff on my mind: I applied at both UPS and DiscoverCard. UPS is taking longer to get back to me, and I found out that I am number 8 on the list of folks to be hired. (So, eight positions have to be opened before I begin work there.) I'd much rather work at UPS, for both the benefits and the hours. DiscoverCard is evening work; I don't mind that, but I would much rather leave the evenings open so I could be in another show. Auditions for 1776 were this morning, and I wish I could have been there. I love performing. My roommate, Austyn, was able to audition, and he got called back. I really hope he is cast. He deserves it. Anyway, I would rather work early morning at UPS than at DiscoverCard; however, life doesn't always work out the way we hoped. I might not be able to perform theatre in the evenings, but I will be working an amazing job that pays really well. It's a sales job that has an hourly base pay, plus commisions. Before commisions, I'll be making more at DiscoverCard than I would be making at UPS. I'm hoping to, eventually, work both jobs. I know that will be taxing on me, but I think I can do it. School will be going on, I will be working UPS, I will nap in the afternoon, then off to DiscoverCard and then sleep again before I get up at 3:30 am... It seems rough, but I'm hoping to get financially secure in 6 months time. I have bills, of course, but I'm wanting to begin saving money up for trips, emergencies, nicer furniture, etc.

Well, that's all I've been thinking about recently. If there's anything else I can think of, I'll let you all know!

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 8:24 PM MDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 May 2004 8:33 PM MDT
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