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Jake's NEW Journal
Monday, 3 May 2004
Life and Death
I just recieved news that a good friend I had from Missouri was killed last week. The funeral was over the weekend. His name was Danny Green; he was a tenor when I was tenor section leader. (Well, I was self proclaimed section leader, anyway. It was just a big joke.) He was a very happy guy; he was always smiling and laughing. I enjoyed the times we shared as a choir; I think we were all very close. This makes today kind of rough for me. I start my new job tonight at DiscoverCard, I hope I'll be able to handle it. This really puts life in perspective for me. We don't know how long we will have on this earth with the people we love and care about.

I don't know how he was killed. I'm hoping it was just a car accident or something low key like that. If he was knifed down or shot, I don't think I could handle that. He was such a great guy. I'll miss him, just as I have missed him while I've been in Utah and he's been in Missouri. But now, it's going to be a bit different. I won't see him again until I leave this life. What is it about death that leaves a hole in your heart? I'll never really know, and I don't know if anyone can ever fully explain it to me. I've heard the arguments that there is a link missing in our hearts, that there is no longer that person animated in this life. The thing is, I believe Danny still exists in another plane. I would think that basic belief would help me through this, and I'm hoping it will.

If anyone has any thoughts on life, death, or Danny if you knew him, please click on the link below that says "comments (#)" and leave your thoughts. I know it would help me, and maybe it will help someone else who finds this website.

Posted by mo2/bachelorrm at 12:22 PM MDT
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Tuesday, 4 May 2004 - 8:56 AM MDT

Name: Lacie


I'll be going through my pictures this week and next. If you have a chance to make it home, let me know. I will be calling Ryan later today to update him on our feelings and it would just feel good to be around all of the people that loved Danny the most. I really want some kind of a reunion. Let me know about your progress...
love, lacie

Saturday, 8 January 2005 - 11:06 PM MST

Name: Johnna
Home Page:

Hello there! I am Danny's cousin Johnna. It's so nice to know how warmly Danny affected people. He certainly had the same affect on our whole family. I'm sorry you couldn't make it back for the services. They were absolutely beautiful; only I wish it could've been an open casket. I really had a hard time with saying goodbye and not being able to see him. I know he wouldn't have heard me, but nonetheless, it sort of helps with the closure, if you know what I mean. He was a great musician, using his talents for God (was actually beginning to work on a christian album, and was supposed to record in Tennessee) and just an awesome person in general, but then, I don't need to tell you that.
In closing, I just wanted to let you know that what you were feeling...the anger and me, we all felt it. We all had to pray for strength and the ability to forive the person who did this, so we ourselves could be forgiven. I miss them all horribly, but I know they are in a much better place. If you would like to visit our family website, his mother and aunt had me post their thoughts on there, and you're welcome to read them.

Have a wonderful evening and God bless!

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