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How to Join

If you've thought about it and decided, yeah! I'm not gonna hide that I, too, am a Crash fan! Then go ahead and join the club already! What are you waiting for?!? It's pretty easy. All you have to do is...

-- E-mail the following information:
~ Name
~ E-mail address (let me know if you don't want it posted on the Members page!)
~ Age (optional)
~ Location
~ Favorite fed (WWF, WCW, ECW)
~ Favorite wrestlers
~ Why you like Crash (and be nice, I don't want someone coming here as a joke and trashing him, that's not cool!)

And once you're done with all that, just e-mail that information to Katie at and I'll get your information up on the members page as soon as possible!

Of course, after you send the information in, you'll want to join the club mailing list!! Well, just put your e-mail address in the little box down there and you can take it from there. :-)

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And after you're done with THAT, show your pride! Tell the world that you're a CHFC member with this stylish (if I do say so myself, since I made it...*LOL*) banner! :-)

Isn't it beautiful? :-) Well, regardless of me complimenting myself, if you'd like to put this on your website somewhere, just copy and paste the ol' HTML code, which is as follows (and don't forget to take out the *'s!!):

<*a href=""><*img src="">

If you have any questions, you can just e-mail me at the address I listed above and I'll try to answer your question as best as I possibly can! :-)

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